Department of Health

Catalyst Grants - Women’s Health Research Priorities

The Department of Health is funding one-year catalyst grants to research proposals that further our knowledge of the influence sex and/or gender can have on disease or conditions.

Medical research sector

Key gaps in the Victorian research environment have been identified through a capability and capacity assessment as part of the Women’s Health Reform Package. These include the following:

  • Women’s health research can be siloed into specific groups. Sex and gender are not consistently or regularly used as variables of comparison in health and medical research.
  • Biological determinants of sex in many conditions experienced by all sexes are not well established or known. Most research has historically investigated a male body and generalised to female and intersex bodies.
  • Many conditions which solely, differently or disproportionately impact women have historically have not received the focus and funding they deserve.

The intention is for this funding to help address the above gaps. It will also lay the groundwork for the other research initiatives in the Women’s Health Reform package that will aim to help lead culture change across the sector.

Proposals up to $150,000 will be considered. Each grant will be for a one year duration and will require a 6-month progress report and a 12-month final report.


  1. To encourage or support research in disease/condition areas that are experienced across sexes and/or genders to include different sex and/or gender comparison. For example, inclusion of male and female sex derived/biopsied cells, inclusion of female and male animals, or inclusion of women and gender-diverse people in human research.
  2. To encourage or support research into underfunded or under-researched conditions which are women-specific conditions, conditions that disproportionately and differently impact women.
  3. To support work towards attracting larger, federal or philanthropic funding for the above two categories.

Find out more about the Women’s Health and Wellbeing program.

Key dates

  1. Assessment period

    24 February - 7 March 2025

  2. Notification of outcome

    10 - 23 March 2025

  3. Funding release and project commencement

    End of March 2025


  • The successful applicant must be:

    1. From a Victorian Administering Institution.
    2. Performing research in a health and medical research field, including discovery, pre-clinical, clinical or lived experience/social research.

    All areas of health and medical research will be considered for these grants; however, some target areas have been identified as areas of need for more research understanding the influence sex and/or gender have on these conditions.

    These priority areas were identified as part of an extensive stakeholder consultation and concurrent data analysis of Australian health outcomes, particularly in women. These include:

    • Sexual and reproductive health
    • Cardiovascular health
    • Oncology
    • Chronic pain
    • Neurodegenerative conditions
    • Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions
    • Musculoskeletal health

    Applicants not previously working in sex and/or gender disaggregated research, or women’s health research are strongly encouraged to apply.

    Prioritisation will be given to proposals that have at least 50% women or gender diverse people on their research team.

  • Your application will be assessed based on the benefits delivered to the department’s clients and business based on the following criteria:

    1. Alignment to the above grant objectives.

    2. Potential benefits to the community and/or the understanding of sex and/or gender as variables of difference.

    3. Novelty or innovation in the issue addressed or experimental design.

    4. The risks associated with supporting the activity and feasibility of outcome.

    5. Duplication of effort, coordination with similar or complimentary activities.

  • On receipt of applications, internal Department of Health staff (with one staffer from Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions from the medical research team) will make up a panel of three-four reviewers.

    Projects will be ranked, and the top-ranking projects will be notified of success up to the allocated budget amount.

  • Complete the application form and send it, along with any associated documentation that would support your proposal to

Reviewed 30 January 2025