Department of Health

The following tables contains details of practitioners whose names are pre-printed (or have been used) on fraudulent prescriptions or stolen prescriptions that have been reported to MPR.


  • The information shown in the first table lists organisations where prescriptions have been stolen from hospitals and similar establishments, which could include any doctors’ details.
  • The second table lists practitioners in alphabetical order of their surnames.
  • Fraudulent computer-generated prescriptions are identified in the right-hand (fifth) column by the initials 'CGP'.
  • If you can't change your settings to view the right-hand column of the table, there is a slide bar located at the bottom of the table.
  • Most of the prescriptions relate to medical practitioners but there are occasional reports that relate to prescriptions from other practitioners. References to dentists, veterinary practitioners and nurse practitioners (if any) are shown after given names.
  • A separate table was previously included to show clinic details, which were pre-printed by Medicare Australia on the back of computer-generated prescription pages, but this has not occurred for some time so this table is no longer included.

Stolen and forged prescriptions - Organisations

Stolen and forged prescriptions - Practitioners

Reviewed 03 June 2024


Contact us

Postal address: Medicines and Poisons Regulation Department of Health GPO Box 4057 Melbourne VIC 3001

Medicines and Poisons Regulation Department of Health

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