Department of Health

Community Groups Fundraising Events Food Safety Obligations

  • 27 September 2022
  • Duration: 4:00

Hello and welcome

Are you a community group or not-for-profit organisation, or someone raising funds for charity, organising a fund raiser by selling food in Victoria? And are those handling the food mostly volunteers?

If you’re planning on having event involving the sale of food, then here a few things you need to know.

The Victorian Food Act sets out the rules for selling food to ensure food bought and sold in Victoria is safe to eat. The Act covers what is done at a food premises whether it is a stall at market, or community hall, or festival, a food van, or a permanent site like a sporting club.

Food regulation reflects food safety. Flexibility has been given to community groups in recognition of the benefit they provide to the community.

Community groups can hold sausage sizzles, cake stalls and a range of other activities to raise funds at fairs, markets and street stalls. The risk of food becoming unsafe while you are doing these activities depends on the type of food, how it is transported to the venue, and where it is stored, prepared, and handled on the day.

Having rules that cover how to safely handle, store and prepare different types of food for sale is essential. The last thing you want is to make people sick!

Food activities are grouped into classes and different food safety rules are set out for each class. Your food activity will determine which class you are and what your responsibilities are. Community food activities may fall within class 2, 3 or 4 under the Food Act, where class 2 is for high-risk food handling activities and class 4 is for low-risk food handling activities. As you would expect, the higher the risk, the more care you need to take.

To find out more, visit the Department of Health’s online food registration program, FoodTrader, which will walk you through the process of determining the class and registration of your fundraising activity. You can access FoodTrader at

FoodTrader has lots of resources that can help you understand your obligations under the Food Act and how to keep the food you sell safe.

Your local council environmental health officer can also help answer any questions you might have about your fundraising activities. You can find out who your local council is at ‘know your’. (

Your volunteers who donate food to be sold at the event, including food made at home, do not need to be registered with FoodTrader – but it is your responsibility to make sure that food you sell is safe.

Ask your volunteers to have a look at Do Food Safely, the Department of Health’s free, online training program for food handlers. You and your volunteers can find the program at and ensure that you and your volunteers all know how to keep the food you sell safe. (

We hope you find this information useful and wish you the best of luck in your community group activities.

Be food safe and don’t let your food turn nasty!

Reviewed 28 September 2022