Department of Health

The Victorian Allied Health Clinical Supervision Framework Organisational self-assessment and performance indicator tool

  • 26 October 2022
  • Duration: 2:15

The Organisational Self-Assessment and Performance Indicator tool was developed as a part of the Victorian Allied Health Clinical Supervision Framework to support organisations and teams to evaluate their performance against the framework.

The Organisational Self-Assessment tool can be used:

  • to identify areas of clinical supervision practice for targeted action
  • to prioritise which of the framework’s principles to focus on
  • and to develop action plans for the areas of focus

Possible images to accompany narration and interview: framework cover; self-assessment tool cover; team of staff completing the self-assessment; general location shots of the hospital

  1. Allied Health Clinical Educator (Marcus Gardner): using the self-assessment tool

I realise that this is a lengthy script. This section could be re-scripted to break up between narration and interview or to add on-screen text to introduce each of the steps and break it up

The first step that we took in our organisational self-assessment was to determine the scope of which professions, areas and programs would be included

Cutaway shot: team of staff completing the self-assessment

We also needed to consider who would be involved in completing the assessment.

In our case we already had a working party of allied health managers involved in reviewing clinical supervision, but I know that other organisations have brought together a mix of managers and clinical educators or a mix of managers and senior and junior clinicians to complete their self-assessment.

Some rural settings they have brought a number of smaller services together to complete the assessment.

Whatever the approach is, it is important that whoever is involved in the self-assessment process is familiar with the framework and how clinical supervision is practiced in their team or organisation.

Cutaway shot: Victorian Allied Health Clinical Supervision Framework document

The second step that we undertook was to complete the self-assessment. This involved looking at an overview of all areas of clinical supervision practice in our organisation and identifying which areas were established and where there were gaps. That helped us to identify which areas of clinical supervision practice to focus on for our organisation.

Cutaway shot: Organisational self-assessment tool document

The third step was to review the performance indicator tool for the priority areas that we had identified. This enabled us to take a more detailed look at these particular areas and to identify which performance indicators could be used as measures for current practice and improvements.

Cutaway shot: team of staff completing the self-assessment

The final step was to develop an action plan. For us this meant that we developed specific and achievable actions and determined who was responsible for each of them and what the timeframes were.

Cutaway shot: team of staff completing the self-assessment

The whole process of completing the organisational self-assessment took us around 2 hours.

Having done that, we realized that it was important to make clear who was going to follow through on the action plan and consider how often we would reassess ourselves against the framework.

Cutaway shot: staff reviewing the work plan

Aside from enabling us to develop a plan to evaluate our organisation against the framework, completing the self-assessment was a great platform for us to make time to discuss clinical supervision and identify opportunities for improvement as well as sharing some of the great things that we were already doing.


How to access the self-assessment tool (text on screen)

To access the Victorian Allied Health Clinical Supervision Framework and the Organisational Self-Assessment and Performance Indicator tool go to

Reviewed 26 October 2022