Department of Health

Service capability frameworks in Victoria

    Professor Andrew Wilson, Chief Medical Officer, Victoria: Hello, I'm Professor Andrew Wilson. I'm a cardiologist at St Vincent’s Health in Melbourne and I'm the Chief Medical Officer of Victoria. As the Chief Medical Officer, I advise the Victorian Government on clinical care and quality and safety.

    Victoria’s health system aims to deliver the best care, at the right time, in the right place. Capability frameworks are a critical tool to ensure these aims are met.

    The Department of Health will have a wide range of clinical capability frameworks to deliver safe and high-quality care across the Victorian health system.

    The most appropriate care for patients may need to be delivered at different hospitals. Patients have different risk profiles due to their health, age and other factors. Different care requires different resources to achieve the best outcome. Capability frameworks describe the minimum capability for where care should be delivered, these outline clinical services through levels from one to six.

    Capability frameworks recognise the importance of an integrated network of healthcare within regions, and across the state, with the understanding that complex care may need to be provided at hospitals with more wrap around services. It also recognises the importance of patients returning to their local healthcare network.

    Service Capability Frameworks support hospitals to consider the unique needs of each person, the type of care they require, and the available resources to deliver that care. The frameworks help us determine where the care should take place. For example, patients with serious conditions may need complex care which requires staff with additional training and specialist services that are only available at larger hospitals.

    Every two years, hospitals will be asked to complete a self-assessment, which describes their workforce, infrastructure, clinical support services and governance. This information will support the Department of Health in its conversations with hospitals about the care that they are delivering.

    Capability levels will be publicly available to increase the communities’ understanding of what their local hospital can safely provide. Capability frameworks will not alter or change any services that are currently being safely provided.

    Ultimately, safe patient care is a top priority, and capability frameworks are here to ensure that Victorians receive the best care possible, tailored to individual needs, delivered safely, and as close to home as practicable.

    Capability frameworks for different clinical areas are a new and exciting way for Victorians to better understand their healthcare system. We look forward to working with you to develop and implement the frameworks and continue to improve our world class healthcare system.

    Reviewed 03 December 2023