Department of Health

Managing risks associated with land contamination

Guidance for councils.

When soil contains elevated levels of metals or other substances, it does not automatically mean a human health risk exists. However, there is heightened public awareness of the potential for soil contamination, especially in areas where children stay or play. This information can assist council staff involved in managing contaminated land and associated issues, including property or asset managers, media and community relations professionals, environmental health practitioners and town planners, as well as managers of community facilities.

Since 2016 EPA Victoria has been responsible for the past, present and potential future impacts on public health from pollution and waste. This includes contaminated land.

The Guidance Managing Risks Associated with Land Contamination (2006) does not reflect this change. For information on managing contaminated land, as well as contaminated land and your health, refer to the EPA VictoriaExternal Link website or email: or phone 1300 372 842

For more information on how contamination is managed in Victoria, visit EPA VictoriaExternal Link .

Find out more about contaminated land and our department by visiting the Contaminated land page.


Date published
03 Jan 2012

Reviewed 05 July 2024

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