Department of Health

Managing the Schedule 4 poison methoxyflurane at mine sites and power stations

Methoxyflurane is a Schedule 4 poison. A person, which could include an employee, can only be treated with methoxyflurane if it is given by a doctor or other authorised health practitioner, or by an emergency worker authorised through the DPCS Regulations to do so.

In 2017, the DPCS Regulations were amended to authorise on-site emergency response workers at mine sites and power stations trained in Advanced First Aid to have access to Schedule 4 poisons approved by the Secretary (to the Department of Health and Human Services) to provide emergency treatment to injured workers.

Specially trained members of the Australian Ski Patrol Association Inc. and Life Saving Victoria are also authorised under the DPCS Regulations to administer methoxyflurane in an emergency.

In November 2018 the Minerals Council of Australia - Victoria made a submission to the Department of Health and Human Services for the Secretary to approve the Schedule 4 poison methoxyflurane for on-site emergency response workers at mine sites and power stations trained in Advanced First Aid to use to provide emergency treatment to injured workers.

The Department of Health and Human Services considered the Minerals Council of Australia Submission (the Submission) and in December 2018, the Secretary granted approval for the on-site emergency response workers at mine sites and power stations trained in Advanced First Aid to possess and use methoxyflurane in an emergency to provide pain relief to injured workers.


Policies and guidelines
Date published
23 Apr 2019
8 pages (guideline), 28 pages (MCA submission)
Department of Health & Human Services
Available format

Reviewed 24 April 2019

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