Department of Health

A practical guide to conducting annual reviews of municipal public health and wellbeing plans

A step-by-step guide to conducting an annual review of municipal public health and wellbeing plans.

Historical resource

A Practical Guide to Conducting Annual Reviews of MPHWPs is a step-by-step guide to conducting an annual review of MPHWPs, a statutory requirement under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.

The aim of this guide is to support councils in the Southern Metropolitan Region (SMR) to plan for and conduct annual reviews of their Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans (MPHWPs).

It describes the relevant legislation and other issues influencing annual reviews and outlines a practical approach to the task. This guide is primarily intended for health planners and others responsible for reviewing and evaluating MPHWPs.

However, it might also assist other council business units better understand and appreciate their contribution to the annual review process.

The guide assumes that readers will be familiar with the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and municipal public health and wellbeing planning.

The guide is supported by seven modules that assist Councils to consider evaluation of their MPHWP.


Date published
24 Nov 2020

Reviewed 24 May 2024

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