Department of Health

Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals Graduate and Early Career Program

Find out about the Graduate and Early Career Program building a stronger mental health and wellbeing workforce for Victoria

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals Graduate and Early Career Program has been developed as part of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System which places the mental health and wellbeing workforce at the heart of system reform.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals offer treatment, care and support for people aged 26 years and over who are experiencing mental health or wellbeing concerns, as well as their families, carers and supporters.

About the program

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals Graduate and Early Career Program will help develop and expand a strong and sustainable pipeline of early career workers in Victoria.

The program will support new workers entering the mental health and wellbeing workforce. This may include postgraduate registered mental health nurses, psychology registrars, occupational therapists, social workers or other allied health roles and lived and living experience and wellbeing support work roles.

The 2024-25 State Budget includes $15.826 million over three years for clinical and wellbeing graduates and early career workers to be employed within Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals for a period of 12 months per intake, with further recruitment planned through until June 2027.

Program aims

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals Graduate and Early Career Program aims to:

  • develop and expand a strong and sustainable pipeline of well-trained and well-supported early career mental health workers and clinicians across Victoria
  • create a diverse and attractive program of learning for early career mental health workers
  • create career progression pathways for experienced clinicians and workers as clinical educators and supervisors for graduate and early career professionals.

To support graduates and early career workers, Local Services will also be funded to employ senior staff as supervisors to support the program’s delivery and the supervision and training needs of early career staff.

The department is also funding a statewide support function to oversee the program. This will include support for graduate and early career recruits, supervisors and educators, and coordination across Local Service providers to:

  • develop and deliver early learner content for graduates and early career workers
  • provide educator support including coaching, needs assessment, skill development and educator resources
  • provide statewide program coordination and liaison with Local Services.

Statewide support and coordination for clinical and wellbeing recruits will be delivered by Alfred Health in conjunction with Mental Health Victoria (MHV). Support and coordination for lived and living experience roles will be provided by Mind Australia. These providers will take a coordinated approach.

Program service providers

Graduates and early career professionals will be employed at Mental Health and Wellbeing Local Services across metro and regional Victoria.

Reviewed 21 March 2025


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