Department of Health

Ministerial Statements of Expectations for regulators

Ministers are required to issue Statements of Expectations to regulators under the Victorian Statement of Expectations Framework for RegulatorsExternal Link .

Statements of Expectations aim to establish clear expectations for regulator performance and improvement between responsible Ministers and regulators.

On 1 July 2023, Ministerial Statements of Expectations were issued by the Minister for Health to the following regulators in the department:

  • Communicable Disease Section
  • Environmental Health Regulation and Compliance - Legionella Team
  • Environmental Health Regulation and Compliance – Pesticide Safety Team
  • Environmental Health Regulation and Compliance - Radiation Team
  • Food Safety Unit
  • Tobacco and E-Cigarette Team
  • Medicines and Poisons Regulation
  • Health Service Facilities Regulation
  • Water Unit
  • Child Safe Standards Regulator

The Minister has also issued Statements of Expectations to the Victorian Pharmacy Authority and the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority which are published on their respective websites.

Statement of expectations


Date published
15 Aug 2023

Reviewed 25 July 2024

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