Department of Health
illustration of people lined up to the right of the image which has an orange background

Department of Health priority outcomes framework

Victorians are the healthiest people in the world

DomainPriority outcomeIndicator1

Population health

Health and wellbeing across the lifespan and emerging health issues

1. Health and wellbeing across the lifespan

All Victorians live healthy and meaningful lives across all stages of their lifespan

1.1 Health adjusted life expectancy

1.2 Victorians with heart disease

1.3 Adults who self-rate their health as very good or excellent

1.4 Adults who report ‘high or very high’ levels of psychological and psychological distress

Population health

Health and wellbeing across the lifespan and emerging health issues

2. Emerging health issues

The health system is responsive to local and global emerging issues and regulatory challenges

2.1 Excess deaths2

2.2 Heat-related emergency department presentations during heatwaves2

2.3 Safe Script monitored prescription drug involved overdose deaths2


System that addresses disparities and health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria

3. System that addresses disparities

Services address health inequality and respond to the needs and circumstances of all Victorians

3.1 Patients treated unfairly due to protected attributes

3.2 Mortality under the age of 75

3.3 Babies born with low birth weight2

3.4 Children aged 0–9 years hospitalised for dental conditions2


System that addresses disparities and health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria

4. Health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria

Aboriginal people living in Victoria experience greater physical, social, emotional, cultural and spiritual wellbeing

4.1 Hospital care not completed for Aboriginal people

4.2 Aboriginal people who feel connected to culture and community2

Individual experience of care

Sustainable system and affordable care

5. Accessible care

Victorians can rely on their healthcare system to deliver care when and as they need it

5.1 Emergency Department departure within 4 hours

5.2 Admitted stay 7 days or longer2

5.3 Planned surgery patients treated in time

5.4 Code 1 response state-wide

Individual experience of care

Sustainable system and affordable care

6. Safety and quality

Victorians have confidence that their healthcare is safe and high quality

6.1 Hospital acquired complications2

6.2 Number of repeated sentinel events

Individual experience of care

Sustainable system and affordable care

7. Experience of care

Victorians have a positive experience of person-centred care

7.1 Hospital patients treated with dignity and respect2

7.2 Trust in the Victorian health system and its services

7.3 Experience of care with a mental health service

Sustainable healthcare

Sustainable system and affordable care

8. Sustainable system

Health resources are well managed, maintaining the system into the future

8.1 Total CO2 emissions attributed to public health services2

8.2 Low value colonoscopies2

8.3 Non-admitted services delivered remotely (virtual care)

8.4 Potentially preventable hospitalisations2

8.5 Patients hospitalised for selected conditions who did not receive appropriate screening2

8.6 Number of new clinical trials in Victorian public health services

Sustainable healthcare

Sustainable system and affordable care

9. Affordable care

High value care is delivered efficiently and affordably for Victorians

9.1 Health expenditure per capita

9.2 Patients who delayed or did not seek care needed because of cost

Healthcare workforce

Healthcare worker wellbeing and workforce capability and capacity

10. Healthcare worker wellbeing

Healthcare workers feel safe, engaged and valued in the workplace

10.1 Workforce satisfaction with current work

10.2 Current level of work-related stress

Healthcare workforce

Healthcare worker wellbeing and workforce capability and capacity

11. Workforce capability and capacity

Workers are well trained and supported to do their jobs effectively

11.1 Workforce has the skills and knowledge to confidently perform their job

1 Indicators to be disaggregated wherever possible by: Aboriginal people in Victoria; cultural and linguistic diversity; gender identity; presence of disability; household disadvantage; access to primary care; household remoteness; age; sex; asylum seeker; mental health presentation and hospital peer group. There are more than 20 indicators that will have 4 or more disaggregations.

2 Indicator is also an 'objective indicator' in the Department Performance Statement (DPS).

Reviewed 29 August 2024

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