Department of Health

A guide to the management and control of gastroenteritis outbreaks in children's centres

This guide has been produced to assist in the management and control of outbreaks of gastroenteritis (gastro) in children’s services centres, such as child care centres, pre-schools (kindergartens), family day care centres and children’s play centres.

If you suspect you have a gastro outbreak, the first step is to notify the department on 1300 651 160 and then follow the cleaning and control measures in this industry guide.

The contents of the industry guide for children’s services centres include:

  1. Introduction
  2. What should happen in the event of a gastroenteritis outbreak?
  3. Infection prevention and control measures
  4. Case lists
  5. Faecal specimen collection
  6. Declaring an outbreak over
  7. Additional control measures for suspected food or water borne outbreaks
  8. Communication
  9. Staff education and training
  10. Privacy
  11. Media
  12. Further information


  • Appendix 1A – Chlorine dilutions quick guide
  • Appendix 1B – Environmental cleaning quick guide
  • Appendix 4 Outbreak case list childcare facility
  • Appendix 5 Signage – Childrens services centres visitors and staff



Date published
18 Feb 2019

Reviewed 21 February 2025

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