Department of Health

The Department of Health (the department) has developed the Victorian Integrated Non-Admitted Health minimum data set (VINAH MDS) to meet reporting requirements for non-admitted activity at patient level. The VINAH MDS is a comprehensive data set that provides robust information for national reporting, information for funding and costing of non-admitted services, as well as providing data for service planning and program development.

In a limited number of circumstances reporting the VINAH MDS may not be possible for some health services. The Non-Admitted Data Collection (NADC) is a minimum data set that has been developed with a flat file reporting system to collect a limited number of data items in a limited number of circumstances.

The Criteria for use of the Non-Admitted Data Collection provides guidance on the circumstances where reporting NADC may be approved and the process to request approval to report this collection.


Date published
20 Jun 2022
3 pages

Reviewed 24 June 2022

Contact details

For information and advice about standards, specifications and data quality processes for the VAED, VEMD, ESIS, AIMS, VINAH, F1 and VCDC.

HDSS Helpdesk Department of Health

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