Department of Health

Victorian Integrated Non-Admitted Health (VINAH) minimum dataset

The Victorian Integrated Non-Admitted Health (VINAH) minimum data set is the Department of Health’s non admitted data collection integrating patient-level data across many government-funded programs.

This data is used to provide equitable funding to public hospitals and support health services in their planning, policy formulation and epidemiological research.

VINAH manual

Current manual

2024-25 VINAH minimum data set manual (all sections)

Previous manual

2023-24 VINAH minimum data set manual (all sections)

2022-23 VINAH minimum data set manual (all sections)

Please email to access older manuals.

See Reference files for lists of valid codes relevant to VINAH, as well as criteria and process to reduce dual reporting (AIMS-VINAH).

VINAH late data exemption form

VINAH minimum data set late data exemption formExternal Link (Login to HealthCollect Portal to access this form)

Inclusive collection and reporting of sex and gender data

This guidance note supports staff in Victorian health services to understand, plan and implement changes to sex and gender data reporting requirements. It provides guidance on how to collect patients’ sex and gender information respectfully and sensitively in line with the new requirements.


Non-Admitted Multidisciplinary Case Conferences - Reporting Guidelines 

Post Natal Domiciliary Care - Guidelines for reporting

Non-admitted public fertility care reporting guidelines

Annual changes

Current financial year changes and proposals for changes to take effect from 1 July for the following financial year can be found at annual changes.

Non-Admitted Data Collection

The Non-Admitted Data Collection (NADC) is a flat file extract used in a limited number of circumstances by health services unable to report VINAH. Health services can apply for approval to temporarily report patient level activity using NADC as part of a planned transition to VINAH reporting.

Eligibility for use of the Non-Admitted Data Collection

Request to use the Non-Admitted Data CollectionExternal Link

Reviewed 29 November 2024


Contact details

For information and advice about standards, specifications and data quality processes for the VAED, VEMD, ESIS, AIMS, VINAH and VCDC. 

HDSS Helpdesk Department of Health

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