Department of Health

Vulnerable children - Responsibilities of health professionals

Information about the roles and responsibilities of health professionals to provide for children and young people at risk of harm.

Mandatory reporting of suspected child physical or sexual abuse

Mandated reporters must make a report:

  • When they form a belief on reasonable grounds that a child needs protection from significant harm as a result of physical injury or sexual abuse.
  • Where they form this belief while practising their profession or carrying out duties of their office, position or employment.
  • Each time they become aware of any further reasonable grounds for this belief.

Making a report to Child Protection

  • To make a report to Child Protection between 8.45am–5pm, contact the Child Protection Intake Service via any of the intake contact telephone numbersExternal Link .
  • To make a report to the between 5.00pm-9.00am Monday-Friday or anytime on weekends and public holidays, contact the After Hours Child Protection Emergency ServiceExternal Link on 13 12 78. This is a state-wide after hours emergency service that receives new reports, as well as concerns for existing child protection clients who are considered to be at immediate risk and require urgent after hours service.
  • In the case of an emergency call Victoria Police on 000 to report concerns that are life threatening
  • Visit making a report to child protectionExternal Link for more information and guidance on Victoria’s Child Protection system, including when a child is in need of protection, forming a reasonable belief and reporting child abuse and neglect.

The Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS):

Failure To Disclose Sexual Offence On A Child Under 16 Years

  • Any adult who forms a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed by an adult against a child under 16 has an obligation to report that information to police. Failure to disclose the information to police is a criminal offence.
  • This is a criminal offence under sections 237-330 of the Crimes Act 1958 includes all adults working within Victorian health settings. Visit the Department of Justice and Community Safety websiteExternal Link for more information and a downloadable factsheet.

Reviewable deaths

  • A reviewable death is the death of a second (or subsequent) child of a particular parent or parents (including step-parents, adoptive and foster parents, guardians and anyone who has custody or daily care and control of the child).
  • Reviewable deaths do not include children who are stillborn, or who lived their entire lives in hospital
  • Medical practitioners must tell the coroner when they identify a reviewable death.
  • To report a death, call 1300 309 519 to speak with Coronial Admissions and Enquiries (CA&E). For more information, visit the Coroners Court of Victoria - reviewable deaths page.External Link

Responding to safety and wellbeing concerns

Reporting concerns about an unborn child

  • Where you identify risks to an unborn child’s safety that may place the child at risk post birth, you should make a report about that unborn child.
  • These risks might include substance misuse, family violence or poor mental health.
  • In making a report about an unborn child:
    • Health services should not assume Child Protection are aware of these concerns
    • Health professionals should share as much detailed information as possible on the nature of risk when making the report
    • Information may be used by Child Protection to mitigate risks to the unborn child.
  • For more information on unborn child reports, please visit the Child Protection ManualExternal Link .

Referring to the Orange Door

  • The Orange Door is the access point for families who need assistance with the care and wellbeing of children. The Orange Door will help families contact the services they need to be safe and supported.
  • If you have significant concern for the wellbeing of a child, but do not believe they are at risk of significant harm, and where the immediate safety of the child will not be compromised, a referral to The Orange Door may be appropriate. Examples of when to refer to the Orange Door include where families:
    • Are experiencing significant parenting problems that may be affecting the child's development.
    • Are experiencing family conflict, including family breakdown and family violence.
    • Are under pressure due to a family member's physical or mental illness, substance abuse, disability or bereavement.
    • Are young, isolated or unsupported.
    • Are experiencing significant social or economic disadvantage that may adversely impact a child's care or development.
  • To make a referral to the Orange Door, or seek information or advice, contact the local Orange Door by phone, email or in person. Contact details for each local area are available on the Orange Door websiteExternal Link .

Information Sharing

The Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS)

The Child Information Sharing SchemeExternal Link allows authorised organisations to share information to support child wellbeing or safety.

  • Prescribed services can share and request information with and from other prescribed services where they have safety and wellbeing concerns about a child, or a group of children.
  • This ensures that professionals working with children, young people and families can gain a complete view of the children and young people they work with, making it easier to identify wellbeing or safety needs earlier, and to act on them sooner.
  • This will allow children to receive the best support possible across services. Information sharing should be guided by the child’s best interests.

The Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework and Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS)

Helping to keep children safe at my health organisation

Child Safe Standards

Reportable Conduct Scheme

  • The Reportable Conduct Scheme aims to improve oversight of how organisations respond to allegations of child abuse and child-related misconduct.
  • For more information about the Scheme, visit the Reportable Conduct Scheme pageExternal Link .

Reviewed 15 July 2024


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