Department of Health

All Victorian health services and health professionals have a responsibility to protect the safety and wellbeing of children who are vulnerable to poor health and wellbeing outcomes as a result of adversity and disadvantage. Health services play a vital role in identifying, responding and supporting these vulnerable children and their families.

Who do we mean by vulnerable children?

Child vulnerability is the outcome of adverse experiences that significantly impacts and/or threatens child safety, wellbeing and ability to thrive.

Vulnerability can be multifaceted and is influenced by:

  • social and environmental circumstances impacting the family
  • parental or family trauma
  • parental capacity
  • experience of child abuse and neglect.

Vulnerability is not a permanent state and may be time limited. If the issues impacting on vulnerability are not addressed, then vulnerability will result in life-long adverse impacts.

Health services must have a heightened awareness of the family circumstances of adult clients and consider the impact of illness or parental risk factors on their client’s children.

These pages are designed to support health professionals navigate their responsibilities to protect children and young people from harm, and to support the health and wellbeing of children and young people experiencing vulnerability.

Reviewed 16 July 2024
