Department of Health

In December 2022 the Victorian Government made a commitment to undertake a review of non-emergency patient transport (NEPT).

NEPT services are an important feature of Victoria’s health system. These services are for Victorians who need clinical monitoring, supervision or care during transport to, from and between health care services.

Review Consultation

Extensive consultation was undertaken with the sector and people who use the services to inform the review.

The terms of reference for the review, release of a discussion paper seeking submissions and preliminary conversations with stakeholders occurred during 2023.

The review received 33 submissions and conducted 13 roundtables. Consultation involved public agencies including Ambulance Victoria, HealthShare Victoria, public health services and Triple Zero Victoria, private NEPT providers, unions and the NEPT workforce.

The Health Issues Centre was commissioned to develop an independent submission on behalf of patients, carers and community representatives. This was informed by conversations with a wide range of consumers.

Engagement with industry experts and other jurisdictions took place throughout the review period till December 2023.

Review Final Report

The review was led by Member for Melton Steve McGhie MP. A final report was presented to the Victorian Government for consideration at the end of 2023.

The Non-emergency Patient Transport Review Final Report was released in January 2025. It found that while the system had many strengths, improvements were needed to improve access, make it more efficient and better meet patient needs and workforce expectations.

The review’s findings, future options and recommendations will inform on improvements to the NEPT sector that will enable it to better meet the needs of the community and the health system.

Government Response

In the short-term, the Victorian Government will implement improvements to the existing model, with licensed private providers to continue delivering services.

The Department of Health will explore longer term changes to the system outlined in the review, including considering opportunities to centralise booking and dispatch processes and further improvements to pay and conditions for employees of private providers.

Read the full Non-Emergency Patient Transport Review Final Report.

Read the Government’s response to the Final Report here at the Premier's media centreExternal Link .

Reviewed 10 January 2025


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Ambulance, Emergency Care and Access Branch Department of Health

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