Department of Health

Mildura statewide alcohol and drug residential treatment service

Drug and alcohol use is one of the top three concerns for Victorians and demand for treatment services is at all time high. The Mildura statewide alcohol and drug residential treatment service will enable access to treatment sooner and closer to home for people living in the Mallee and surrounding areas.


In May 2022, the Victorian Government announced an investment of $36 million to deliver a specialist alcohol and drug treatment facility in Mildura. The new residential rehabilitation and withdrawal facility will provide 24-hour support to Victorians from across the state. Information on the announcement is available on the Premier of Victoria websiteExternal Link .

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Division and the Victorian Health Building Authority are working together to deliver a specialist facility closer to home for rural communities. This will enable people to rebuild their connections with family and their community whilst seeking treatment.

Read more about the delivery of the alcohol and drug treatment facility in Mildura and other Victorian Government projects on the Victorian Health Building Authority websiteExternal Link .

Aboriginal self-determination

This new facility is a priority place-focused solution to address the devastating impacts of Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) on individuals, families and friends within Mildura and the Mallee community.

The facility’s priority status is underpinned by the principles of self-determination, as identified by local Aboriginal Elders, Aboriginal led community organisations, local community members, service providers, and key stakeholders.

Place-focused approach

We know that a combination of the latest research and stakeholder and community knowledge, expertise and experience is key to delivering a service that is ‘fit for purpose’. The facility’s design and location is being considered in the early stages of planning to ensure it meets future needs.

Key stakeholders are being engaged in a staged, place-focused approach. A ‘Place-focused approach’ compliments departmental decision making and adds local context to planning, development and implementation. It also addresses the needs of Victorians across the state.

Find out more on the Victorian Government framework for place-focused approaches website.External Link

Consultation and engagement – Stage one

We are consulting with the following stakeholders to better understand how people want to experience an alcohol and drug residential service in Mildura:

  • people with lived and living experience of AOD residential treatment
  • families, carers and supporters
  • local Aboriginal Elders
  • local Aboriginal community services
  • AOD and health service providers
  • key community groups

In April and May 2023, key stakeholder groups from Mildura, the Mallee and NSW border areas were invited to participate in a series of place-focused consultations held in Mildura and online.

The presentation from these place-focused consultations is available below.

Key factors and themes from the consultations are being collected to formalise Mildura’s Key Principles, the collective voice of the Mildura stakeholder community. This will be used as the foundation for planning, design and delivery of the new service from the ground up.

Engagement and collaboration – Stage two

A specialist alcohol and drug service provider will be appointed through a competitive procurement process. Once appointed, the department will work with them to lead the collaborative design and development of a service delivery model based on Mildura’s Key Principles.

For additional information on the market approach, visit the Victorian Government procurement websiteExternal Link .

Reviewed 25 July 2023


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Mental Health and Wellbeing Division

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