Dr Tarun Weeramanthri is Victoria's Chief Health Officer. The Chief Health Officer undertakes a variety of statutory functions under health and food-related legislation. The role also provides expert clinical and scientific advice and leadership on issues impacting public health.
The Chief Health Officer:
- provides expert advice on matters relating to the health and wellbeing of the people of Victoria to:
- the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
- senior leaders in the Department of Health
- Emergency Management Victoria
- the broader Victorian health sector
- issues health alerts and advisories to inform Victorians about health issues that may affect their health and safety
- performs the functions or powers specified in the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 or any regulations made under that Act
- is the spokesperson for the Victorian Government on matters related to health protection, including public health incidents and emergencies
- engages with the community on public health matters
- publishes a comprehensive report on public health and wellbeing in Victoria every two years.
About Dr Tarun Weeramanthri
Dr Tarun Weeramanthri is Victoria’s Chief Health Officer from 2 January until 30 April 2025, while the Department of Health undertakes the recruitment of our next Chief Health Officer.
Dr Weeramanthri is an adjunct professor in the School of Population and Global Health at the University of Western Australia and a recent President of the Public Health Association of Australia. He is a trained specialist in internal medicine and public health and has a PhD in social medicine.
He was Chief Health Officer in Western Australia from 2008 to 2018, and previously in the Northern Territory from 2004 to 2007.
In June 2022, Dr Weeramanthri was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia for significant service to public health administration. Prior to joining the department, Dr Weeramanthri was engaged in addressing the health impacts of climate change and assisting the COVID-19 response in multiple Australian jurisdictions and nationally.
Deputy Chief Health Officer (Communicable Disease)
Dr Christian McGrath and Dr Helen O'Brien are jointly in the role of Deputy Chief Health Officer (Communicable Disease). The Deputy Chief Health Officer (Communicable Disease) provides expert clinical and scientific advice and leadership on communicable disease and public health. This role supports the Chief Health Officer and staff within the Health Protection Branch.
The Deputy Chief Health Officer (Communicable Disease):
- leads the response to communicable disease incidents and emergencies
- acts as Chief Health Officer, in their absence
- engages with communicable disease clinicians
- provides expert advice on issues relating to communicable diseases to:
- the Chief Health Officer
- the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
- senior leaders in the Department of Health
- Emergency Management
- the broader health sector.
Deputy Chief Health Officer (Environment)
Dr Evelyn Wong is a Public Health Physician with a PhD which focussed on epidemiological modelling methods. She is experienced in leading and developing public health policy, epidemiological modeling, translation of research into policy and practice, program implementation and evaluation.
She has extensive experience in stakeholder engagement having worked in academia, industry and government including as Deputy Chief Health Officer in Victoria in COVID-19 response. Evelyn is particularly keen to work in collaboration with others, to find innovative ways to continue building a strong and effective networked public health system in Victoria.
The Deputy Chief Health Officer (Environment):
- works closely with the Chief Health Officer and acts as Chief Health Officer in their absence
- engages with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and other external stakeholders
- provides expert advice on issues relating to environmental public health including climate, drinking water, legionella, radiation and food safety to:
- the Chief Health Officer
- the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
- senior leaders in the Department of Health
- Emergency Management Victoria
- the broader health sector.
Reviewed 20 March 2025