What we offer
We offer a number of employment pathways to create employment opportunities and develop an inclusive and diverse talent pipeline for our department.
Our employment programs and pathways include:
The Victorian Government graduate program is a 12-month Victorian Public Service (VPS) wide program managed by the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC).
The aim of the graduate program is to attract, recruit, develop and retain high performing graduates within the VPS.
To be eligible for selection to the graduate program, graduates need to:
- Have completed, an undergraduate or postgraduate degree or same as Level 7 and above of the Australian Qualifications prior to the commencement of the Graduate program
- Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen,an Australian permanent resident
- Not have taken a voluntary redundancy from the Victorian Public Sector in the 3 years up to the program start date
- Not be on a temporary graduate visa
- Agree to undertake a Police criminal records check.
Note: Completion of a candidate degree may need to be followed up or verified by the recruiting department/agency.
How the program works
Graduates are recruited into 1 of 4 graduate streams depending on their area of study. The streams include:
- Generalist (includes graduates from any discipline including degrees in Arts, Business and Technology, Public Policy and Law)
- Economic Consultancy
- Accounting and Finance
- Data Analytics.
At the beginning of the program
At the start of the graduate year, graduates are appointed at VPSG2.1.6 level and are attached to 1 main VPS department (the home department).
Across the 12 months of the program, graduates then take part in:
- 3x4-month work rotations in different departments, agencies or workgroups
- The graduate learning and development program
- Information seminars
- Executive mentoring
- Networking through the Graduate Recruit Alumni Society (GRAS).
When graduates have completed the scheme
On successful completion of the program, graduates are awarded a VPS Graduate Certificate of Completion, subject to:
- Having successfully met progression requirement in each rotation placement
- Attending the required training and seminars
- Successful completion of their learning team project
- Having successfully completed 3 rotations within 3 different departments, as prescribed by the VPSC.
Graduates then return to ongoing employment in their home department at VPSG3 level.
How to apply
If you, or someone you know is interested in applying, see the Victorian Government graduate web page.
Graduates will be selected for the program against the following criteria:
- Academic qualifications
- Previous work experience and extra-curricular activities
- Values and community interest
- Verbal and written communication skills
- Initiative and capacity to innovate
- Leadership ability
- Teamwork and stakeholder engagement skills
- Problem solving and analytical skills.
For more information, see How the program on the Victorian Government graduate program web page.
The Department of Health has a number of employment programs and internships to attract talent and support alternative pathways into employment within the Victorian Public Service.
As part of the application process, employment programs require pre-employment screening. For more information, email employmentprograms@health.vic.gov.au.
The CareerTrackers internship provides Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander university students paid internships. They gain work experience as they study, which will boost job readiness and employability on graduating. Learn more about CareerTrackers internship on the CareerTrackers .
Youth Employment Scheme (YES)
The Youth Employment Scheme (YES) provides young people aged 15 to 29 with a 12-month, entry-level opportunity to work in the Victorian Public Service while completing accredited training.
Additionally, there is a YES Disability Stream which helps provide sustainable employment for young people with a disability.
Learn more about the Youth Employment on the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions website.
Career seekers – mid-career and university pathway (summer/winter)
A CareerSeekers internship supports and enables participants who are refugees or seeking asylum to either restart their career and re-establish their professional networks in Australia or provide work experience to participants undergoing studies in Australia through the University pathway.
The mid-career and university pathway are both 12-week paid internships/employment contracts within the VPS2 (or equivalent) salary banding.
For more information, see the website.
Digital jobs
In recognition that the demand for digital skills is growing, the Digital Jobs Program is a large initiative of the Victorian Government, training 5,000 mid-career people in up-to-date digital skills; and then deploying them to business, industry and government via paid work placements that are routinely extended into ongoing roles.
The program attracts people aged 30 years old and above or people with typically at least 10 years’ professional experience in all manner of previous disciplines (e.g. engineers, teachers, accountants, consultants, nurses, retail workers, marketers, customer engagement people, small business owners, IT professionals from other disciplines, and more).
The placement will be 12 weeks paid fixed term contract.
Learn more about the Digital Jobs on the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions website.
Stepping Into Internship (summer/winter)
The Stepping Into Internships program connects students and recent graduates with a disability with paid internships across a variety of organisations. The department works in partnership with the program owner, the Australian Network on Disability (AND), who has been connecting employers and university students and recent graduates with a disability since 2005.
This mutually beneficial work experience program supports students with paid work experience during their summer or winter semester break. The employer gets practical experience and support of working with a person with disability, helping build disability confidence, while the student gets practical experience and confidence in the workplace.
Learn more about the Stepping Into Internship on the Australian Network on Disability website.
This program enables students currently studying with valuable experience in their field of study. Students can put theory into practice and do meaningful work to support and enhance the health and wellbeing of all Victorians.
The department offers vocational student placements, as defined under the Fair Work Act
If you have any queries about the student placement program, please email employmentprograms@health.vic.gov.au .
Tertiary student placements
We offer tertiary student placements in the following areas:
- Aboriginal Health
- Communications and Engagement
- IT
- Finance
- HR
- Data and Analytics
- Health and Community Care Systems
- Legal and Regulation
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Public Health Policy
- Public Healthcare Safety and Improvement
How to apply
Students seeking a placement are invited to complete the student placement online application .
Students should discuss their application with the relevant Fieldwork Coordinator in their University/Training organisation prior to applying.
Students will be asked to attach a current resume and a covering letter, which should outline and specify why they are interested in the areas they have nominated and what they know about the areas they have chosen.
Education providers
Education providers applying on behalf of students must download the Bulk student placement application spread sheet and email the completed document, along with student resume and covering letter to employmentprograms@health.vic.gov.au
When submitting the documents listed above to the department, you are confirming on behalf of your institution that you:
- Authorise the practice and suitability of the student for the placement they have requested, and
- Will notify the department immediately if the student withdraws from your course or unit, or of any changes in their circumstances or suitability for placement.
Where students apply directly through the student portal and nominate you as the tertiary provider contact, you will receive a system generated email requesting that you are confirming the points above. Please email Employment Programs within two working days of receiving the email. Applications will not be progressed without authorisation.
Bulk student placement application spreadsheet - for tertiary providers onlyIf you require further information about placement details, please email employmentprograms@health.vic.gov.au.
Safety screening requirements
As part of the application process, the students will be asked toprovide the following documents:
- A current and valid National Police Check that is less than 6 months old from the proposed start of the student placement, and
- Proof of Identification (must be photo ID – i.e. passport, learner’s permit, driver’s licence, tertiary ID card).
- For students that have lived overseas for 12 months or longer during the past 10 years will need to complete a Statutory Declaration in lieu of police check.
Students who are offered a placement, may also be asked to provide additional induction and onboarding documents prior to starting their placement.
Reviewed 03 March 2025