Department of Health

Support for new nurse practitioners

Find out who is eligible for support and how to apply.

The Department of Health established the Victorian Nurse Practitioner Program for the development and implementation of the nurse practitioner role and to assist Victorian public health services to establish nurse practitioner roles and models of care.

Funding is available for Victorian public health services to support innovative approaches to the implementation of new nurse practitioner roles.

How to apply

Applications for this funding will be co-ordinated by public health services. Applications for 2024-25 have now closed.

Health services are responsible for the:

  • managing information regarding scholarships, including notifying recipients
  • application processes (including internal applications for scholarships and external applications to the Department of Health)
  • selection of scholarship recipients
  • identifying new nurse practitioner roles for salary support
  • disbursement of funds
  • monitoring outcomes of the scholarship program and salary support.

To find out more, contact the Nursing and Midwifery Education Team at your organisation.

More information for applicants

If you are successful in gaining a scholarship, you are responsible for enrolling in and completing the qualification by the due date and for any study costs beyond the value of the scholarship.

If you need to defer or withdraw from your studies, you must notify the employer within 1 week of the change in study arrangements.

If you plan to recommence study in the same year, you do not need to return the funds.

If you do not return to study in the same year, the funds will be recalled.

The department is not required to withhold tax (PAYG) from grants paid. You should be aware:

  • you may be liable to pay tax on your scholarship. For more information, see the calculator on the Australian Taxation Office websiteExternal Link .
  • you may be entitled to claim a tax deduction for self-education expenses. For more information, see the Australian Taxation Office websiteExternal Link .
  • it is strongly recommended that you obtain relevant professional advice on any impact the payment of a scholarship has on benefits paid under an Australian Government scheme, for example, Austudy, Abstudy, aged or disability carer allowances, and pensions.

The department strongly recommends that recipients seek independent tax advice for their scholarship payment.

Reviewed 06 February 2025


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