The Victorian Integrated Non-Admitted Health (VINAH) minimum dataset manual deals with data on the provision of a range of non-admitted health services in Victoria.
Section 1 Introduction
Introduction to the VINAH MDS manual with an overview of VINAH, the history and development of VINAH and summaries of the manual's contents.
Section 2 Concepts and derived items
Concept definitions and other information relating to data concepts that underlie the VINAH MDS.
Section 3 Data elements
Concept definitions and other information relating to data concepts that underlie the VINAH MDS.
Section 4 Business rules
Business rules that are in place in the data collection. Business rules serve many purposes in the VINAH data collection, the most important being to preserve the quality, consistency and integrity of the data.
Section 5 Introduction compilation and submission
Section 5 of the VINAH manual specifies the technical requirements of data transmissions that are to be made to the department.
Section 5a Transmission and compliance
An overview of the VINAH MDS transmission process. Outlines the requirements for the frequency of transmission and correcting of errors, and other policies.
Section 5b VINAH transaction implementation guide
Guidance for software vendors in implementing VINAH MDS capabilities into their systems.
Section 5c HL7 Reference and implementation guide
Guidance for software vendors in assembling HL7 transmission files. Contains a definitive reference of the HL7 message definitions for use in conjunction with the Data Element Binding Table.
Section 5d HealthCollect Portal manual transmission process
The process for users to manually transmit VINAH MDS data to the department using the HealthCollect portal.
Section 5e Submission purge procedure
Guidance for users and software vendors on purging submissions from the VINAH MDS repository. Contains information for vendors to automate purges within their system.
Section 7 Validation reports
Documents the control reports including their contents, layout and use. Control Reports in VINAH are used primarily to manage the lifecycle of transmissions and maintain data.
Section 8 Validations
Lists all of the VINAH edits and indicates the message that will be returned for each edit.
Section 9 Code list
Lists and describes all the codes associated with each data element.
Section 10 Testing
Information to sites and vendors sending test data to VINAH.
Reviewed 21 July 2023