Increase supply of priority roles
- Increase supply of priority roles and close projected workforce shortage gaps.
- Increase retention of health workers in priority roles by 20% at 10 years post qualification.
- Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation equal to the Victorian population.
- Increase university places, clinical supervisory capacity, and clinical placements through a more integrated education pipeline.
Strengthen rural and regional workforces
- Improve workforce supply and distribution for equitable service delivery to rural and regional locations.
- Increase clinical placements and supervision capacity in rural and regional locations by 20% for increased local talent pipelines.
- Develop innovative funding and employment models that enable increased service delivery to rural and regional locations.
Improve employee experience
- Reduce the public health service staff separation rate by 10%.
- Reduce public health service WorkSafe claims by 10%.
- Improve public health sector employee sentiment by 20% in psychological and physical safety, wellbeing, workload, learning and development, and leadership.
Build future roles and capabilities
- Establish 9 future roles to create additional capacity in the healthcare system, support new models of care, and improve pathways.
- Develop innovative education models for career agility including re-skilling pathways across professions.
- Increase supply of 20 standardised advanced roles to improve the ability of existing roles to operate to the top of scope.
- Increase cross-skilling programs for integrated and person-centred transdisciplinary care.
Leverage digital, data and technology
- Enable modern digitally enabled workplaces supported with guidance on digital best practice.
- Increase data-led public-sector workforce planning and policy for Victoria, and contribute to improved national healthcare workforce planning.
Reviewed 11 February 2024