Department of Health

Improving Care for Older People Program - Health service initiatives

The second stage of the Improving Care for Older People (ICOP) program operated in Victoria from 2010 to 2013. Across Victoria, 35 public health services participated in the initiative, including all metropolitan health services. As part of the program, they were required to undertake initiatives to minimise the risk of functional decline in older patients and improve the provision of care in four areas:

  • Evidence-based environmental improvements
  • Organisation-wide policy development that provides a framework for improving care for older people across the organisation
  • Embedding the evidence base contained within The Toolkit to inform models of care to minimise functional decline for older people, with a focus on acute settings
  • Professional development activities to support workforce capacity building to better respond to the needs of older people in hospital settings

Outlined is a snapshot of the types of initiatives taken by health services relating to a range of clinical topics.

  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Alfred Health

    Environmental Improvements – Purchase of IT equipment to support implementation of electronic assessment

    Models of Care - An extensive review and revision of the Initial Nursing Assessment Tool (INAT) has been completed in partnership with the Improving Care for Older Persons (IC4OP) initiative and nursing services; implemented Electronic Documentation System (EDS) in subacute

    Austin HealthPolicy Development - Falls Risk Assessment Prevention & Management guideline introduced
    Barwon HealthModels of Care - Introduction of Electronic Risk Assessments based on toolkit assessment tools and NSQHS Standards – implemented in acute wards, short stay and inpatient rehabilitation - continuing roll out; E-Risk assessments trigger automated e-referrals for dietetics, occupational therapy and physiotherapy
    Bendigo Health

    Policy Development - Redeveloped policies to reflect/incorporate IC4OP principles including Falls Assessment and Management; Nutrition Screening and Assessment; Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment and Prevention

    Models of Care - Generic Adult Admission Screen – reviewed and updated to incorporate all toolkit domains and uses toolkit icons and NSQHSS icons; education conducted; work on increasing compliance via file audits etc.

    Melbourne HealthModels of Care - Development of nurse risk screening, assessment & care planning tool
    Mildura Base HospitalModels of Care - ‘Person Centred Admission Document’ (admission form) reviewed and updated - addition of falls risk assessment (Ontario Modified STRATIFY) and nursing discharge summary (copy given to patient on discharge)
    Monash HealthPolicy Development and Professional Development– Implementation of a pre and post fall assessment and management procedure. Staff education provided
    Portland District Health

    Models of Care - Introduction of models of care introduced and embedded into the sub-acute and acute wards - based on toolkit domains including assessment. Creation of clinical champion role for preventing functional decline with focus on person centred care and assessment

    Professional development - Education sessions run by clinical champion for preventing functional decline, including falls risk assessment, functional assessment, pressure sore risk assessment and patient handling assessment

    South West Healthcare

    Professional Development – Existing policies reviewed to include PCC approach including screening and assessment

    Models of Care - Introduction organisation wide of Cognition Risk Screen, Braden scale, Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) and Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT); introduction and roll out of new wound assessment tool including best practice guidelines; work on embedding use of pain assessment tools including cognitively impaired patients into practice via care plans

    Swan Hill District HealthModels of Care - Development and implementation of admission and risk assessment tool – includes FRAT, pressure risk assessment, malnutrition screen, referral tool, cognition screen, thrombosis risk, medication risk
    Werribee MercyPolicy Development - Clinical practice guidelines developed for continence screening and management, malnutrition screening, depression screening, delirium and dementia screening
    Western District Health Service

    Policy Development - Policies reviewed and redeveloped to reflect IC4OP principles, including assessment policy, including use of screening tools

    Models of Care - Assessment documentation consistent across organisation and sites

    Professional Development - E-learning packages developed and competency compliance monitored – use of screening tools including Braden and FRAT

    Western HealthModels of Care – implementation of revised screening and care planning tool across acute and subacute wards
  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Austin Health

    Models of Care – Implementation of Admission and Risk Assessment Tool – includes delirium screen for all patients on admission – where there was a wide uptake

    Professional Development – ‘Dementia, Delirium and Depression in the older person’ study days were provided

    Bendigo Health

    Policy Development - Redeveloped policy on Management of Wandering Behaviours in Cognitively Impaired People

    Professional development - Cognition consultant position – provision of education to 3000 staff (2011-13) across Bendigo Health and to health services throughout region

    Castlemaine HealthModels of Care - Use of cognitive identifier on patient board
    Echuca Regional Health

    Models of Care - Cognition Assessment on admission; established Memory Clinic (part of Speech Pathology)

    Professional Development - Training provided on dementia, delirium and depression

    Goulburn Valley HealthEnvironmental Improvements – Introduction of date, day, month and time analogue clocks, automatic doors
    Latrobe Regional Hospital

    Policy Development - Inpatient delirium screening and management policy implemented

    Models of Care – Delirium Care Pathway was introduced

    - Introduced common process for screening of cognition and also management of patients across LRH; established Cognitive, Dementia and Memory Service (CDMAS)

    Peninsula Health

    Policy Development – Development of clinical practice guidelines for prevention and management of Delirium

    Models of Care - Large piece of work in the area of reviewing delirium management practices - linked to Standard 9 of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS): Recognising and responding to clinical deterioration

    Professional Development – Education on delirium and new guidelines using catchphrase ‘Spot it, flag it, treat it, stop it’; delirium champions on each ward/clinical area; extensive education program and internal publicity

    South West Healthcare

    Models of Care – An Aged Behaviour Cognition nurse role was introduced – to provide support to staff caring for patients with delirium and/or dementia via education; developing care strategies and documentation; introduction of cognition risk screen and behaviour chart trialled and rolled out

    Professional Development - Developed cognition and delirium e-learning packages internally

    St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

    Models of Care - Medical file audit of patients with dementia which lead to an audit to gauge prevalence of delirium; review of Code Greys and usage of one-to-one nursing; exploration of relationship between fractured neck of femur and delirium.

    - Development & implementation of the ‘all about me’ personal patient profile

    - Review of cognitive assessment tools, trial of the cognitive identifier

    - Medical file audit of patients with dementia which lead to an audit to gauge prevalence of delirium; review of Code Greys & usage of one-to-one nursing; exploration of relationship between fractured neck of femur and delirium.

    Stawell Regional Health

    Policy Development - Improving Care for Older People (ICOP) principles incorporated into Cognitive Impairment Policy

    Models of Care– Cognitive screening tool embedded in admission assessment process and ward handover procedure; Cognitive Impairment Identifier use was embedded; ward champions identified; policy and use of screening tools part of staff orientation

    Professional Development - Cognitive Impairment Identifier training for nursing staff; ward champions system in use; education for Visiting Medical Officers (VMO’s)

    Swan Hill District Health

    Policy Development – Cognition screen included in admission and risk assessment tool

    Professional Development - Nurse education on difference between dementia and delirium; two education days held on Dementia, Delirium and Depression – 48 staff attended plus 6 from external organisations

    Werribee MercyPolicy Development – Development of clinical practice guidelines including for Delirium
    Western District Health Service

    Policy Development - Cognitive Impairment policy reviewed and redeveloped to reflect ICOP principles

    - Delirium policy reviewed and redeveloped to reflect Improving Care for Older Persons (ICOP) principles

    Models of Care - Brochures developed and distributed based on redeveloped guidelines including delirium

    Western Health

    Policy Development– Cognition Advisory committee established and continuing

    Professional Development - Engaged volunteers in establishing the Time To Talk (TTT) program and to complete the ‘about me’ tool for patients with dementia, delirium or cognitive impairment

  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Alfred HealthModels of care and Professional development – Hard of Hearing project at Caulfield Hospital involving introduction of assistive listening devices; staff education on their use, on communication strategies and on troubleshooting with hearing equipment
    Monash HealthEnvironmental improvements - Introduction of Patient journey boards across all clinical settings
    Peninsula Health

    Models of care - Introduction of:

    • Clinical handover ISBAR (Identify, Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation) to Clinical handover
    • DailyRapid Rounds;
    • Rounding in sub-acute
    • Interdisciplinary Care Program
    • Consumer Advisory Group
    South West Healthcare

    Policy development - Development and implementation of effective communication between staff and patients with Sensory Loss policy. Developed in collaboration with Speech Pathology department, incorporating Improving Care for Older Persons (IC4OP) principles

    Models of care – Communication: Introduction of communication equipment for use across organisation (e.g. Bellman Maxi amplifier, cue cards); sensory information included on admission assessment documentation; use of magnets to alert staff to hearing or vision impairment

    Professional development - Education on communication provided - education around hearing impairment and communication provided by an external source to each of the clinical units; each clinical unit given an education session on the Bellman Maxi and the cue cards following their introduction

  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Echuca Regional HealthModels of Care - Multidisciplinary clinic for non-admitted patients; bladder scanner purchased
    Goulburn Valley Health

    Models of Care - Screening and assessment implemented in all acute and sub-acute settings (part of suite); development of model of care to support level 1-3 Sub-Acute Care Services

    Professional Development - Support of Moira Health alliance and Seymour Health via training opportunities in continence

    Portland District HealthModels of Care - Model of care based on toolkit domain introduced and embedded into sub-acute and acute wards
    St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

    Policy Development - Continence Management Guidelines developed and launched in collaboration with regional continence clinic and the Department of Geriatric Medicine

    Professional Development - Certificate II in Continence Promotion and Care, and Graduate Certificate in Continence developed

  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Albury Wodonga Health

    Policy Development - Minimising functional decline policy still in development

    Models of Care - Functional Maintenance Program implemented in acute wards at Wodonga – to be rolled out to Albury Campus; bed based exercise program via patient television operating in Albury – will roll out to Wodonga

    Alfred Health

    Policy Development - An overarching minimising functional decline policy known as Better Care for Older People was developed. Additionally, minimising functional decline guidelines were ratified in April 2013

    Models of Care - Key elements of functional decline have been incorporated into the Point of Care Audit; this information will be used to inform future improvement efforts. Brochures promoting best practice against prevention of functional decline have been developed with consumer feedback incorporated into the final version

    Professional Development - Production of AV material to support implementation and education regarding the domains of the Toolkit and preventing functional decline

    Austin HealthPolicy Development - Functional Maintenance guideline and policy 2013 (awaiting final approval)
    Bairnsdale Regional Health ServicePolicy Development - Functional maintenance policy completed
    Barwon HealthProfessional Development - Online training tool on functional decline and ICOP principles in use throughout organisation – delivered through clinical software; developed a DVD for older patients called Maximising your health in hospital.
    Bass Coast Regional HealthPolicy Development - Ongoing work on organisation wide Preventing Functional Decline policy
    Benalla Health

    Policy Development - Minimising functional decline policy developed – waiting approval and implementation

    Models of Care - Information booklet for patients and carers at bedside on how to minimise functional decline

    Professional Development - Functional Independence Measure training completed by several staff; developed an e-learning quiz for clinical staff.

    Bendigo HealthPolicy Development - Prevention of Functional Decline in Older Hospitalised Patients policy developed and adopted
    Castlemaine HealthPolicy Development - Preventing Functional Decline Policy introduced
    Colac Area HealthPolicy Development - Functional Decline Policy for Older Persons endorsed across organisation
    Echuca Regional HealthPolicy Development - Preventing Functional Decline Policy drafted
    Latrobe Regional Hospital

    Policy Development - Functional maintenance/decline policy developed and under review

    Models of Care - Functional Maintenance Program (FMP) in medical and surgical wards utilising toolkit domains and symbols. Evaluated and shown to be successful. Establishment of ongoing Allied Health Assistant (AHA) position for FMP

    Maryborough District Health ServicePolicy Development - ICOP principles embedded in Minimising Functional Decline Policy
    Melbourne HealthPolicy Development - Care Planning and Implementation Policy amended to incorporate statement to support minimising functional decline; developed multiple online learning packages including best care for older people, falls prevention, pressure injuries, medication management and safe swallowing.
    Northeast Health WangarattaPolicy Development - Overarching Functional Decline Policy – in progress. To include hyperlinks to the toolkit domains
    Northern HealthPolicy Development - Input into development of functional decline policy by state-wide Best Care for Older People (BCOP) group
    Peninsula Health

    Policy Development - Organisation wide policy on ‘minimising functional decline’ ratified

    Models of Care - Enhanced existing functional maintenance programs and introduced falls identifier

    Portland District Health

    Policy Development - Preventing Functional Decline in Hospitalised Older Patients Policy developed and implemented – includes dementia, delirium and depression

    Models of Care - Clinical champion for preventing functional decline with focus on person centred care and assessment – role in educating staff on these domains

    Professional Development - Education sessions run by clinical champion for preventing functional decline – falls risk assessment, functional assessment, nursing care plan, nursing admission/discharge, pressure sore risk assessment and patient handling assessment

    Seymour Health

    Policy Development - Person Centred Care Policy and Minimising Functional Decline in Hospital Policy – developed, not yet approved or implemented

    Professional Development - Graduate program orientation includes functional decline and person centred care session

    South West HealthcarePolicy Development - Development and implementation of IC4OP Preventing Functional Decline in Hospitalised Older People policy
    St Vincent’s Hospital MelbournePolicy Development - ‘Prevention of Functional Decline Policy’ implemented organisation wide at CEO forum in February 2013. Introduction of internal tracking system so that all internal policy considers the needs of Improving Care for Older People (ICOP) and prevention of functional decline
    Stawell Regional HealthPolicy Development - Preventing Functional Decline policy developed and implemented
    Swan Hill District HealthPolicy Development - Minimising Functional Decline Policy implemented
    Werribee MercyPolicy Development - ‘Preventing Functional Decline in Hospitalised Older People’ endorsed
    West Gippsland Healthcare GroupModels of Care - Functional maintenance program utilising AHAs ongoing
    Western District Health ServicePolicy Development - Preventing Functional Decline policy implemented and staff educated
    Western Health

    Policy Development - Organisation wide ‘Preventing Functional Decline in Older Hospitalised Patients’ policy to be implemented by September 2013.

    Professional Development - Held the ‘Great Debate’ in May 2013 to highlight that minimising functional decline and practicing Person Centred Care is everybody’s role.

    Wimmera Health Care GroupPolicy Development - Preventing Functional Decline Policy in operation
  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Maryborough District Health ServiceModels of Care - work ongoing on reducing medication errors; including monitoring and investigation of incidents, reconciliation processes tightened and staff education provided
  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Albury Wodonga Health

    Models of Care - Functional Maintenance Program implemented in acute wards at Wodonga – to be rolled out to Albury Campus; bed based exercise program via patient television operating in Albury – will roll out to Wodonga

    Models of Care - Falls committee meets monthly; introduction of hip protectors to acute wards; possible future introduction of ‘stick to stand’ system and gripper socks

    Austin Health

    Policy Development - Falls Risk Policy; Falls Risk Assessment Prevention and Management Guideline; Nurse Rounding Guideline (awaiting final approval) and Functional Maintenance Guideline and Policy (awaiting final approval)

    Models of Care – Focus on nurse rounding – was rolled out across 20 wards on three hospital campuses, and one residential aged care (RAC) facility. There was a significant reduction in falls

    Professional Development - Rounding education incorporated into hospital orientation, graduate nurse orientation, night duty study days and ward in-services

    Bairnsdale Regional Health Service

    Policy Development - Functional Maintenance Policy developed

    Models of Care - Falls, infection, medication, pressure (FIMP) group established – uses unit based nursing ‘champions’ for each standard – receive education and responsible for sharing; developed resource folders including Toolkit information as well as instructions for intranet access of Toolkit

    Professional Development - Staff member trained as Functional Independence Measure (FIM) trainer; 31 staff trained as FIM assessors

    Ballarat Health Services

    (at Nov 2012)

    Models of Care – 6-PACK falls prevention project – research project/intervention pilot for high falls risk patients conducted by Monash University at six hospitals around Australia

    Barwon Health

    Policy Development - Falls Prevention Policy implemented incorporating Improving Care for Older Persons (IC4OP) principles

    Models of Care – Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) included in e-risk assessments

    - Falls awareness campaign – includes film on free TV channel; poster displays, articles in local media and social media

    - Nurse rounding implemented in Rehabilitation Centre wards, palliative care wards and some acute wards

    Professional Development - Education sessions around falls risk and management including the use of FRAT

    Bass Coast Regional Health

    Environmental Improvements - Patient activity area created in medical ward

    Policy Development - Review of falls policies; brochures developed; use of Upright and Independent Program

    Professional Development - Eight staff trained as FIM assessors

    Bendigo Health

    Policy Development - Redeveloped policies including Falls Assessment and Management

    Models of Care - ICOP mobility project officer; development of falls resource section on Intranet; introduction of red socks in clinical areas

    Castlemaine Health

    Models of Care - Introduction of Falls Risk Assessment and Management Tool (FRMT), identifiers for high falls risk patients (orange dots on patient board and above bed), falls incident stickers; introduction of Functional Maintenance Program (exercise program) (continuing); introduction and ongoing use of red (grip) socks; electronic falls resource folder created; annual April Falls Day established for awareness/education

    Professional Development - Falls education provided as annual competency

    Colac Area Health

    Policy Development - Falls Prevention and Management for Older Acute Patients policy

    Models of Care - Falls prevention focus including use of ‘red socks’ for high risk patients and introduction of non-slip mats in acute ward; easy identification of high risk patients via coloured medical record folders; five step intervention posters for staff in residential aged care and acute wards; FRAT e-training mandatory for all staff; brochures for patients/families introduced; assessment forms include person centred care; Falls Committee meets regularly (ongoing) and input to other areas including Quality and Research Committee

    - Acute ward - individualised functional arrangement in patient’s room to align with needs, reduce risks and create more ‘home like’ setting

    - Introduction of nurse rounding – gradual roll out across organisation – currently in RAC and acute

    East Grampians Health Service

    Environmental Improvements – Introduction of ‘red dot’ notification boards (falls risk/mobility)

    Policy Development - ICOP principles embedded in policies including Preventing Falls and Harm from Falls

    Models of Care - FRAT completed on admission for all older people; bedside audits for Falls risk completed; Falls Minimisation and RED Dot system brochures developed and distributed; Red Dot system to denote falls risk in place; use of referrals and equipment for high falls risk patients

    Eastern HealthModels of Care – Falls prevention initiative; volunteer delivered falls prevention interventions- supported by Gerontology Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) and Personal Care Assistant (PCA) who oversee and work with volunteers
    Echuca Regional HealthModels of Care - falls and balance clinic established – focus on high risk, both inpatients and outpatients
    Goulburn Valley Health

    Environmental Improvements - falls prevention – stick to stand trial, improved flooring

    Policy Development - Clinical Practice Guidelines with ICOP focus developed and introduced including falls prevention

    Models of Care - Policy work on preventing falls and harm from falls including reporting and monitoring systems, staff training, use of ‘rounding’

    Latrobe Regional Hospital

    Policy Development - ICOP principles embedded into policies across organisation including inpatient falls prevention and management policy

    Models of Care - Improved delivery of falls prevention across health service - Inpatient Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) form and Community FRAT developed, trialled and in use; patient identifier signs in use across service; continued monthly auditing of falls and alert processes, spot auditing and ongoing staff education carried out

    Maryborough District Health Service

    Policy Development - Falls Assessment and Management Policy and Post Fall Management Policy under review

    Models of Care - Inpatient activity group weekdays focusing on strength and cognitive function – exercise physiologist, Allied Health Assistants and other Allied Health staff; red grip socks use embedded – evaluation showed significant falls reduction; use of FRAT embedded; falls incident stickers introduced; “April No Falls Week” held to raise awareness

    Monash HealthModels of Care - Introduction of nurse rounding across four campuses as part of Patient First initiative; introduction of pre and post fall management procedure for medical staff
    Stawell Regional Health

    Environmental Improvements – Introduced of falls alert signage in acute ward

    Policy Development - Falls Prevention policy developed (unclear if implemented); falls risk committee introduced and operating; introduction of FRAT

    Werribee Mercy

    Policy Development - Clinical practice guidelines developed including Falls Prevention and Management

    Models of Care - Magnetic risk identifiers including falls risk implemented

    Professional Development – 6-PACK falls education planned

  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Albury Wodonga HealthModels of Care - “Meal Time Mates” program (volunteers assisting with meals) and protected meal times embedded practices in acute wards – staff education prior to introduction; policies and guidelines in place
    Alfred Health

    Policy Development - Under-nutrition Assessment, Prevention and Management Guideline in place

    Professional Development - Interdisciplinary education program has run 180 sessions across 3 sites with over 1200 attendees, including focus on under-nutrition

    Models of Care – Opportunities for practice development identified via education sessions – including focus on under-nutrition. Executive led Under-Nutrition Steering Committee to have started from August 2013

    Bairnsdale RHSPolicy Development - Malnutrition screening on admission implemented – Malnutrition screen being trialled in acute and sub-acute units at June 2013
    Ballarat Health Services

    As at November 2012

    Environmental improvements – Refurbished acute wards’ sunrooms and included communal dining areas

    Models of Care - Malnutrition Screening Tool and improved referral process introduced as part of Nursing Management Plan and education provided; volunteer meal assistance program operating and training provided

    Bass Coast Regional Health

    Policy Development - Developed Nutrition and Hydration Policies and assessment tools including Malnutrition Screening Tool

    Models of Care – Food services review, implementation of weekly weighs in sub-acute units. Improvements to malnutrition screening planned

    Bendigo Health

    Policy Development – Management of malnutrition key focus in strategic plan 2015-18 Redeveloped policies on Nutrition Screening and Assessment; Nutrition and Food; Mealtime Environment and Assistance Guideline

    Redeveloped Malnutrition Screening Tool – increased compliance

    Models of Care - Improving Care for Older Persons (ICOP) Nutrition Project Officer; introduction of ‘Plum Domes’ to indicate patient need for assistance with meals – gradual roll out across wards; introduction of high energy/high protein meal plan for those identified as undernourished via screening; consultation with patients and menu changes to remove/replace unpopular items; education around ‘Plum Domes’ via brochures, displays in hospital foyer and local newspaper coverage

    Castlemaine Health

    Policy Development - Procedures reviewed in line with ICOP principles including Malnutrition Assessment, Prevention and Management Procedure; Malnutrition Risk Reduction – Red Tray Procedure

    Models of Care - Red Trays (indicating need for assistance with meals) established on acute and rehabilitation wards; menu choices review conducted

    Professional Development - Nutrition education identified as a need – Nutrition Education Plan developed by dietetics department for nursing staff; nutrition education provided to Food Service staff; Nutrition Allied health Assistant trained (unclear if completed or position ongoing)

    East Grampians Health Service

    Models of Care - Blue Tray system (to denote patients needing meal assistance) developed and implemented in Inpatient Unit – ongoing; protected mealtimes (lunch) implemented in Inpatient Unit and information distributed to consumers; Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) used within global screening tool; nutrition screening/referral audit completed

    Professional development - Nutrition education developed based on nutrition audit results and pre-education survey; education on Blue Tray system (including for support/catering staff) and Protected Mealtimes conducted

    Echuca Regional Health

    Policy Development - High Protein Diet Implementation Policy; Malnutrition Screening Policy

    Models of Care - Red Tray (denoting need for assistance with meals) implemented on acute ward; electronic food ordering system implemented in hospital to facilitate correct and appropriate meal ordering; Residential Aged Care food process includes serving on site to allow residents the sensory enjoyment of meals

    Professional Development - Swallowing education provided to nursing staff on identifying and managing swallowing problems prior to Speech Pathology review – in context of stroke project

    Goulburn Valley Health

    Environmental Improvements – Purchase of Joey scales and red trays

    Policy Development - Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition with ICOP focus developed and introduced

    Models of Care - Organisation wide implementation of meal alert and red tray initiative and roll out to local Small Rural Health Services. Initiative involves use of red trays for patients requiring assistance with meals and information about program and nutrition for patient and families on trays

    Latrobe Regional HospitalModels of Care - Protected mealtimes and red trays to flag need for assistance implemented in GEM and Rehabilitation wards; ongoing education provided; regular auditing; Protected Mealtime Champions utilised; Meal Tray Advisory Group convened and recommendations for dark purple trays to provide contrast to food and hot beverage cups with larger handles implemented
    Maryborough District Health ServiceModels of Care - Review of hotel services with improvement in meal quality and reduction of waste; updated signage for patients with nutrition needs; food chart for patients at risk of malnutrition implemented
    Melbourne Health

    Policy Development – ICOP principles embedded in policies including Nutrition Assessment and Management

    Models of Care - Recruitment of a part-time Nutrition Project Officer for 12 months who developed and validated a mental health nutrition risk screening tool

    Monash HealthEnvironmental improvements, Policy Development, Models of Care, Professional Development – Red trays to identify need for meals assistance in use across organisation Associated Policy and Procedure implemented and communicated to staff via formal education processes
    Northeast Health Wangaratta

    Models of Care - Swallowing screen implemented with accompanying staff education – in use on medical ward and in emergency department; to be implemented in Coronary Care Unit

    Policy Development – Improving Care for Older Persons (ICOP) principles embedded in policies including Nursing Screen of Dysphagia

    Northern HealthModels of Care - Introduction of protected mealtimes on selected sub-acute wards; audited baseline and subsequent; further expansion of program (mealtimes and settings) continuing; communal dining introductions planned
    Peninsula Health

    Models of Care – Protected mealtimes implemented and sustained in sub-acute, trial in acute services scheduled for June 2013

    Policy Development, Professional Development – Protected mealtimes supported by clinical practice guidelines and staff roadshow

    South West Healthcare

    Policy Development – Development and implementation of Communal Dining policy; review of nutrition policy

    Models of Care - Introduction of nutrition screen into admission documentation across organisation, (auditing occurring); introduction and embedding of protected meal times

    St Vincent’s Hospital MelbourneModels of Care - Blue Dome system reviewed; PAS software system upgrade for an electronic identifier for patients requiring the blue dome (assistance). Evaluation demonstrated a 38% increase in blue dome usage
    Stawell Regional Health

    Policy Development - Nutrition policy developed and implemented; use of malnutrition screening tool

    Models of Care - Nutrition Screening Policy and Tool implemented and periodically audited; volunteer meal assistance introduced and in use in residential aged care; communal dining area expanded in acute ward and use encouraged

    Western HealthPolicy Development – ICOP strategies embedded into organisation wide nutrition management policy (developed with BCOP involvement)
    Wimmera Health Care Group

    Policy Development - Under-nutrition policy and guidelines (draft); under-nutrition assessment, prevention and management flow chart (draft)

    Models of Care - Embedded use of Malnutrition Screening Tool; plan to further embed domain via NSQHSS Nutrition policy; use of nutrition survey to educate staff particularly in acute ward

    Professional Development - Education of nursing staff by Dietician; plan to develop e-learning tool

  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Alfred HealthPolicy Development – Pain guideline developed
    Goulburn Valley HealthModels of Care - Pain Clinic opened in February 2013
  • Health Service

    Requirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Alfred Health

    Policy development – Introduction of End of Life Guidelines

    Models of care – Implementation and roll out of Care of the Dying Pathway

    Barwon HealthModels of care - Development of interdisciplinary e-care plan incorporating Improving Care For Older Persons (IC4OP) principles
    Maryborough District Health Service

    Policy development - IC4OP principles embedded in policies including Palliative and End of Life Care Policy

    Environmental improvements, Models of care - Development of palliative care suite in acute ward (“Merrin”) to provide inpatient palliative care – fundraising and volunteer help was utilised

    Models of care - Liverpool End of Life Care Pathway implemented

  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Alfred HealthModels of Care - Developed an eLearning package on patient centered care combined with safety and quality responsibilities, with links to the Best Care for Older People Everywhere Toolkit
    Bairnsdale Regional Health ServicePolicy Development - Person-centred practice included in strategic plan, position descriptions and to be included in staff selection processes
    Professional Development - One day person-centred care (PCC) workshop held; newsletter on person centred care and journey boards distributed to Nurse Unit Managers and ward staff
    Ballarat Health Services

    Policy Development - Patient Management Plan developed and implemented; inclusion of dementia and delirium assessment tools; requirement of patient and family involvement

    Models of Care - Nursing Admission Plan developed and implemented; includes PCC principles

    Models of Care, Professional Development - Introduction of Patient Experience Tracking system; education of staff; promotion of PCC principles

    Barwon Health

    Policy Development - Consumer and Person Centred Policy developed and implemented;

    - PCC principles included in existing policies and guidelines, as well as strategic plan and annual statement of priorities

    - ‘Doing it with us not to us’ policy reviewed by consumer Centred Committee and health literacy principles incorporated

    - Development of Written Information (WISE) Policy and Procedure across organisation – including templates for providing written consumer information and implementation of consumer participation process for all consumer information

    Professional Development - Factsheets on all Toolkit domains based on PCC principles distributed across organisation – displayed on wards’ education boards

    Central Gippsland Health Service

    Policy Development - Development and implementation of Care Coordination Model across service – based on the Improving care for Older People (ICOP) framework and the Toolkit. Person centred care model – based on patient identified goals

    - Consumer and Carer Chronic Disease Network provides ongoing feedback to Care Coordination project

    - All patients provided with Consumer Information Booklet and encouraged to provide feedback. Closely aligned with Consumer Advocate position (ongoing)

    - ICOP principles embedded in Care Coordination, Service Delivery Planning and Intake Process policies and procedures – overarching policies and inform others

    Models of Care - Development and implementation of Care Coordination Model across service – based on ICOP framework and the Toolkit. Person centred care model – based on patient identified goals

    Professional Development - Introduction of Care Coordinator roles (previously assessment officers)

    - Care coordinators, Intake Officers and other clinical staff trained via the online program in Central Gippsland Health Service. Care coordination model based on national qualifications with a focus on integrating PCC principles and the ICOP framework

    Colac Area Health

    Policy Development - ‘Doing it with us not for us’ policy

    Models of Care - Work on improving discharge processes including planning and communication with patients

    Models of Care - Ongoing development of patient/consumer brochures on specific services incorporating PCC principles

    Professional Development - Orientation and Graduate Nurse Program updated to include ICOP principles and NSQHS standards, with inclusion of person centred care principles

    East Grampians Health Service

    Policy Development - ICOP principles embedded in policies: Person Centred Care policy implemented

    Professional Development - Education on use of Patient Experience Tracking System

    Eastern Health

    Policy Development - The Charter of Rights for Older Patients was formally launched in December 2012 and addresses the attitudes, behaviours and practices of staff in their direct interactions with older people and is used to inform the planning, design and provision of the services accessed by older patients

    Models of Care - PCC emphasised in the Productive Ward Program

    Professional development - Professional development, education and training with the implementation of the Charter of Rights for Older Patients

    Latrobe Regional Hospital

    Policy Development - ICOP principles embedded into policies across organisation including PCC policy

    Professional Development - Two ICOP Conferences held – Person Centred Care and Everyone’s Business – Best Care for Older People (BCOP)

    Melbourne Health

    Models of Care – BCOP champion program: 13 champions received Lean Six Sigma training

    Models of Care - Introduction of BCOP volunteer program

    Professional Development - Development of BCOP learning kits – aligned with National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS), education will continue beyond life of program, packages available on the intranet

    - Development of audio visual resource “Lola’s Story” – emphasising the patient experience

    - 15 in-service sessions on PCC

    - Quality Improvement showcase raised profile of BCOP champion work

    Northern Health

    Policy Development, Models of Care - BCOP input into development of organisation wide Vision, Mission, Values statement, Admission Policy and Model of Care for the Older Inpatient

    Models of Care - PCC patient brochure developed – Continuing Your Care at Northern Health – with PCC focus; was translated into 7 languages

    - PCC nurse rounding being trialled (post BCOP) and NH wide rollout planned

    Peninsula Health

    Models of Care - Person Centred Care

    • Staff member travelled to USA on PCC study tour with Victorian Quality Council funding
    • PCC workshops with strategic focus will continue post ICOP and plays a large part in development of strategic plan to 2017
    • PCC principles embedded in Position Descriptions templates including Community Advisory Groups/Consumer Advisory Groups, executives etc
    • PCC a formal component of orientation to PH
    Portland District Health

    Policy Development - Person-Centred Care Policy developed and implemented

    - Consumer Participation Policy reviewed to ensure inclusion of ICOP principles and implemented

    Models of Care - Development of models of care based on toolkit domains of assessment, person centred care and continence – introduced and embedded into sub-acute and acute wards

    - Clinical champion for preventing functional decline with focus on PCC and assessment – role in educating staff on these domains

    - Auditing to ensure nursing staff have patients sign their care plans as measure of inclusion in decision making

    South West Healthcare

    Policy Development - Review of existing policies to include person centred care approach: Volunteer Implemented Patient Engagement Regime (VIPER); Cognition, Dementia, Delirium, Depression Assessment and Care; Improving Care for Older Persons; Assessment and Screening; Music Therapy Program; Key Contact Person; Mobility, Vigour and Self Care; Communal Dining

    - Inclusion of a consumer stakeholder on Improving Care for Older Persons Steering Committee

    Stawell Regional HealthModels of Care - Patient Experience Tracking System implemented to flag areas for improvement
    West Gippsland Healthcare Group

    Policy Development - Person Centred Care Policy developed and implemented

    Models of Care - Efforts to engage consumers and encourage participation

    Western District Health Service

    Policy Development - Acute Care Framework including Person Centred Care focus developed and implemented

    - Partnering with Consumers policy developed and implemented (person centred care and consumer participation)

    - PCC included in orientation manual for staff and volunteers

    Professional Development - Person centred care and ICOP principles included in orientation package

    - Education provided on person centred care to 50 staff; clinical championship to 16 staff; comprehensive assessment to 9 staff

    - Representation of older people on Consumer Advisory Committee

    Western Health

    Models of Care - Engaged volunteers in establishing the Time To Talk program and to complete the ‘About Me’ tool

    Professional Development – Western Health held the great debate in May 2013 to highlight minimising functional decline and practicing PCC is everybody’s role.

    Wimmera Health Care Group

    Policy Development - Patient Charter of Healthcare Rights Policy, Consumer Participation Policy both in operation

    - All new or revised policies and procedures to include person-centred care statement – this is ongoing

    - All clinical pathways include statement on patient/family/carer involvement

    Models of Care - Person Centred Care development and roll-out across organisation and promotion of booklet “Nothing about me without me”

    - Implementation of Patient Experience Tracker System to monitor feedback in real time - initially in use on acute ward

    - Patient Information Directory includes information/brochures on person-centred care and ‘10 tips for safer healthcare’

    Professional Development - Patient Charter of Healthcare Rights and Person Centred Care included as Mandatory Competencies for all staff; training days for Mandatory Competencies commenced

    - Position Descriptions include person centred care statement

    - Person centred care included in orientation program

  • Health ServiceRequirement Addressed and Project Summary
    Albury Wodonga HealthModels of Care - Skin integrity poster distributed to acute admissions
    Austin Health

    Models of Care – Focus on implementing nurse rounding – pressure injury prevention one focus of rounding

    Professional Development – Falls and Pressure injury prevention training (four study days held)

    East Grampians Health Service

    Policy Development – Improving Care for Older Persons (ICOP) principles embedded in Pressure Injury Prevention and Management policy

    Models of Care - Pressure Injury Prevention and Management Plans developed; Braden Scale included in global screen; bedside audits for Pressure Injury risk completed; consumer brochure developed

    Professional Development - Held “Move…ember Week” to raise staff awareness of Pressure Injury risk; to be held annually

    Professional Development - Education on use of Braden scale and skin assessment form

    Eastern HealthModels of Care – Work standard for optimising skin integrity
    St Vincent’s Hospital MelbourneEnvironmental Improvements, Policy Development, Models of Care, Professional Development – ‘One per bum’ initiative: surveyed for existing barriers which were identified as lack of equipment and lack of staff awareness; 560 preventative cushions (1 per inpatient), 200 heel wedges and 20 cameras purchased; staff education and user guide developed; Skintastic Expo held
    Wimmera Health Care Group

    Policy Development - Skin Integrity Policy developed; Implementation of screening of all patients over 16 years for skin integrity –using Waterlow Pressure Injury Risk Assessment Scale (WPIRAS)

    Models of Care - All patients over 16 years screened using WPIRAS, regular audits of compliance and for management of injury

    Professional Development - Wound care training completed by over 250 staff via ‘Train the Trainer’ model – ongoing; staff education on use of screening and assessment for skin integrity

Reviewed 25 July 2024

Older people in hospital

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