Department of Health

Key messages

  • Spectrum is a statewide service that supports people who need specialist care for personality disorders.
  • Spectrum provides intensive assessment and treatment for people with particularly complex needs.
  • Spectrum also runs a residential treatment unit in East Ringwood.

The first line of support for people with a personality disorder often comes from general practitioners or clinical mental health services. Specialist response for people with complex needs is provided by Spectrum.

Spectrum is a statewide service in Victoria that supports and works with local area mental health services and a range of other providers to provide treatment for people with personality disorder. Spectrum focuses on those who are at risk from serious self-harm or suicide and who have particularly complex needs.

Spectrum programs

Spectrum provides a range of programs to support people with personality disorders. They provide secondary consultation with mental health clinicians, as well as group treatment and individual treatment with clients. Spectrum treatment is designed to complement clinical mental health service treatment approaches. General practitioners and private psychiatrists can also request an assessment.

Spectrum programs are available at their premises in East Ringwood or Fitzroy.

Spectrum accepts referrals from area mental health service clinicians for clients aged 16 to 64 for direct clinical treatment. A limited range of Spectrum services can now be accessed by general practitioners or private psychiatrists in Victoria.

Please see Spectrum’s website for more information.

Reviewed 29 May 2015


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