Department of Health

Key messages

  • The department funds free training for Victorian cemetery trusts.
  • The department has contracted Our Community to deliver face-to-face and online training.
  • Cemetery trust members and employees are eligible to participate.

Our CommunityExternal Link has been contracted to deliver department-funded training for Victorian cemetery trusts. The training program provides cemetery trust members and employees with practical, relevant information and materials for the governance of Victorian cemetery trusts. Participating in the training program is highly recommended and encouraged by the department.

Governance training

Governance training for Class A and B cemetery trusts covers the governance roles and responsibilities of public boards. It includes key regulatory and legislative frameworks within which Victorian cemetery trusts operate. Governance training is delivered at locations across Victoria. Remote training via online platforms is also available.

Governance training for Class A cemetery trusts is a one-day training course. It is scheduled in consultation with Class A cemetery trusts.

Governance training for Class B cemetery trusts runs over 2 non-consecutive days. Trust members and employees can register to attend this training at the Our Community websiteExternal Link

Cemetery trusts can contact Our Community to request an unscheduled governance training course. This can be either in person at a specific location or online (minimum 6 participants required).

Online training for Class B cemetery trusts

The Cemetery Essentials for Class B Cemetery Trusts online training course explains essential cemetery trust administrative functions. In particular, it covers those that are often performed by a secretary. The course consists of 4 modules that cover:

  • the role of the secretary
  • governance and finance
  • record keeping
  • customer service.

Participants can complete the first 3 modules online at their own pace. The fourth module is an online 2-hour webinar.

If you have not received an email invitation for the online course, contact Our Community. All Class B cemetery trust members and employees are eligible to take part.

Contact Our Community

Phone: (03) 9320 6800

Reviewed 24 July 2024


Contact us

Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

Cemeteries and Crematoria GPO Box 4057, Melbourne , VIC 3001

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