Department of Health

Reporting restrictive interventions in emergency departments and urgent care centres

Information on the new compliance requirements for documenting and reporting restrictive interventions

New and updated information resources are available on the Chief Psychiatrist’s oversight of restrictive interventions in emergency departments and urgent care centres of designated mental health services.

The expansion of the Chief Psychiatrist’s role commenced on 1 April 2024, and is part of implementing the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022, a key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.

It entails new compliance requirements for staff working in emergency departments and urgent care centres focussed on documenting and reporting restrictive interventions, respecting consumer rights, and ensuring restrictive interventions are only ever used as a last resort.

The new and updated resources will help staff understand these requirements and make changes to their workplace practices to meet their obligations under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act. The resources include:

Reviewed 18 July 2024


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Office of the Chief Psychiatrist

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