Department of Health

Clinical Information System and Electronic Medical Record application and interoperability standard

Application of this standard to the implementation of Clinical Information System and Electronic Medical Record (CIS/EMR) by health agencies will ensure continued interoperability of data applications across the state, now, and position health services to exchange data in line with future Victorian initiatives such as state-wide unique patient identification and sector wide shared clinical information whilst enabling connectivity to the national eHealth infrastructure.


This Standard defines the minimum set of functional requirements for any implementation of CIS and EMR by health services in the Victoria Public Health Sector. They are a base set of interface, terminology and functions that enable interoperability within and external to a health service.

The standard will enable health service CIS and EMR applications to integrate with current and emerging national digital health services such as My Health Record, the HI service, national electronic transfer of prescriptions.

Prior to this standard, the department (i.e. DHHS) has spent many years delivering standard and guides to the Victorian Public Health Sector (VPHS) which not only supports interoperability within the state in the current environment, but positions health services to better receive and implement national initiatives, like My Health Record. The standard includes both mandatory and optional requirements.

The mandatory requirements cover the categories of Terminology, Interfacing, ADHA, localisation to Australian and Victorian requirements and functional requirements, while the optional/future requirements cover the categories of terminology, ADHA and functional requirements.


Reviewed 16 November 2022


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