Key messages
- 1080 is fluoroacetic acid, a Schedule 7 substance that is used as a bait for the control of some large animal pests.
- In its raw form (that is, not within a ready-to-use bait), 1080 cannot be obtained without a licence or a permit issued by the department.
- The department may need to inspect premises before issuing or amending a licence.
If you wish to apply for a licence to manufacture and supply 1080 (fluoroacetic acid), and do not wish to supply any other substance requiring a licence, then in addition to completing a poisons control plan there are also different application forms and responsible person forms to complete. These are different to regular licence and permit application forms (see 'Downloads' at the bottom of the page):
- How to complete 1080 application form
- Licence application form – manufacture and sell or supply by retail
- Licence application form – manufacture and sell or supply by wholesale.
1080 licence – nominating a responsible person
To qualify for a licence to manufacture and supply perishable 1080 pest animal baits the applicant must:
- Be a manufacturer of an APVMA registered 1080 aqueous solution
- Hold a Commercial operator licence with vermin destroyer endorsement and have completed this training:
- Agsafe guardian online course – Supply of perishable 1080 bait products (using 1080 aqueous solution)
- DEPI course – Preparation of perishable 1080 pest animal bait products (using 1080 aqueous solution).
It will be a condition of the licence to manufacture and supply perishable 1080 pest animal baits to comply with the Victorian Code of Practice for the Preparation of Perishable 1080 Pest Animal Bait Products (using 1080 Aqueous Solution).
Download the '1080 responsible person application form' to nominate at least one responsible person.
1080 licences – guidance documents
The following guidance documents provide information on licence requirements and enable you to determine which licence is appropriate to your business:
- Guidance for manufacturers and suppliers of 1080 pest animal baits
- Summary - licence scenarios and how to apply for a 1080 licence.
Licence holders that prepare perishable 1080 pest animal bait products using 1080 aqueous solution would need to comply with the relevant Code of Practice issued by Agriculture Victoria. This Code of Practice may be accessed here:
Organisations that hold 1080 manufacturing licences
Tables 1–3 list the organisations that currently hold 1080 manufacturing licences.
Table 1: Holders of 1080 manufacturing licences
Licence holder | Licence number | Address |
Animal Control Technologies Pty Ltd | 23209710 | 46-50 Freight Drive, Somerton 3062 phone 03 9308 9688 |
Gippsland Environmental Maintenance Service | 23209655 | Factory 2, 15 Gordon Street, Bairnsdale 3875 phone 0418 589 237 |
Mallee Vermin Control & 1080 Bait Supplies | 23209528 | 7551 Robinvale-Sealake Road, Chinkapook 3546 phone 03 5035 3210 |
RJT AG PTY. LTD | 23209649 | 16 Fyans Street, Derrinalum 3325 phone 0418 587 919 |
Wildpro Wildpro Pty Ltd t/a | 23209507 | 297 Lilydale-Monbulk Road, Silvan 3795 phone 1800 004 744 |
Table 2: Holders of licence to manufacture and sell or supply by retail perishable 1080 pest animal bait
Licence holder | Licence number | Address |
Phillip Island Nature Parks | 31209524 | 1019 Ventnor Road, Summerlands 3922 phone 03 5956 8861 |
Table 3: Holders of licences to manufacture and sell or supply by wholesale shelf stable APVMA-registered 1080 pest animal bait
Licence holder | Licence number | Address |
Animal Control Technologies Pty Ltd | 23209710 | 46-50 Freight Drive, Somerton 3062 phone 03 9308 9688 |
Reviewed 17 December 2024