Department of Health

Key messages

  • Forensic nurse examiners are authorised to possess a single dose of azithromycin for administration under certain conditions.

Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine – Forensic Nurse Examiner (1 July 2010)

A nurse registered in Division 1 of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia register may possess and administer a single oral dose of the Schedule 4 drug azithromycin under the following circumstances:

  • the nurse is employed or contracted by Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM) to undertake forensic medical examinations
  • a medical practitioner employed or contracted by VIFM is available to provide advice to the nurse on the use of the Schedule 4 drug and
  • the nurse administers the Schedule 4 drug in:
    1. the performance of their duties as a forensic nurse examiner
    2. a designated Centre Against Sexual Assault Crisis Care Unit* providing services to adults
    3. accordance with a treatment protocol approved by VIFM
    4. accordance with any guideline issued by the Department of Health & Human Services.

*Designated Centres Against Sexual Assault are department-funded services. See Victorian Centres Against Sexual AssaultExternal Link .

Reviewed 08 October 2015


Contact details

Postal address: Medicines and Poisons Regulation Department of Health GPO Box 4057 Melbourne VIC 3001

Medicines and Poisons Regulation Department of Health

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