Department of Health

Security advisors for assessing premises which store or supply Schedule 8 or 9 substances

Organisations that apply for a licence to store and supply Schedule 8 or 9 substances from their premises will need to arrange a security assessment for their premises from an independent security advisor. The Department of Health may also request that other organisations (that may be applying for other types of licences or permits) arrange such an assessment from an independent security advisor.

Such organisations may wish to contact one of the security advisors listed further below to obtain an independent security advisor report to assess the premises. Please note that the Department does not endorse any particular advisor, and applicants must make their own assessment of advisors’ services. Organisations may source their own independent security advisor, but it must be confirmed that the advisor:

  • Is independent of the organisation that is applying for the licence/permit;
  • Has experience in reviewing the security of premises to be used for storing pharmaceuticals (such as those of pharmacies, hospitals or pharmaceutical wholesalers); and is registered as a security advisor with Victoria Police. (For more information about Victoria Police registrations, visit the Victoria Police websiteExternal Link ). You can also check that entities are registered with Victoria Police as security advisorsvia the Victoria Police search form.External Link

In addition to assessing the general security of the premises, the report would need to specifically provide an assessment as to whether the immediate storage facility to be used to store Schedule 8 or 9 substances provides at least as much security as that which is indicated in Regulation 74 from the Victorian Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 2017.

Matryx Consulting Matryx Consulting websiteExternal Link
Ph: 1300 190 160
Suite 1, 13-25 Church St, Hawthorn 3122

Connley Walker Connley Walker websiteExternal Link
Ph: (03) 9010 5677
16 Grey Street, Caulfield South 3162

IPP Consulting IPP Consulting websiteExternal Link
Email: via the form on this pageExternal Link
Ph: (03) 8621 2200
Level 7, 15 William Street, Melbourne 3000

Guardian Consultants Guardian Consultants websiteExternal Link
Ph: 0450 894 127
P.O. Box 8, Doreen 3754

Proactive Strategies Proactive Strategies websiteExternal Link
Ph: 1300 13 30 73
PO Box 340, Eltham 3095

Risk Group Risk Group websiteExternal Link
Ph: 0412 331 564

Reviewed 26 November 2024


Contact us

Medicines and Poisons Regulation Department of Health GPO Box 4057, Melbourne, VIC 3001

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