Department of Health

Key messages

  • DoFoodSafely is a free online learning resource for people working with food.
  • It provides information about safe food handling.
  • A certificate of completion is provided if the assessment is successfully completed however DoFoodSafely is not an accredited program.

DoFoodSafely is a free online learning resource for people working, or wanting to work, in the food industry. DoFoodSafely provides information and skills for safe food handling and is a popular resource with students, new job seekers, teachers, employers and employees wanting to learn or refresh their knowledge about safe food handling.

Users can work their way through seven safe food handling modules, that includes topics such as personal hygiene, food allergens and food contamination, and can test their knowledge by completing the assessment at the end of the online course.

A certificate of completion with the user's name and the date is provided if they achieve an assessment score of 90 percent or above. Please note, the Department of Health and Human Services is not a registered training organisation and DoFoodSafely is not an accredited program.

Even the best food in the world can turn nasty if poorly handled, stored or cooked. Once the food is in your hands, it's up to you to keep it safe to eat.

DoFoodSafely is proudly presented by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and supported by Queensland Health and SA Health.

Start DoFoodSafelyExternal Link .

Reviewed 31 August 2016


Contact details

Food Safety Unit

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