Department of Health

Cold chain monitoring during vaccine transport

Community immunisation information

The information on this page is aimed at immunisation providers. If you're looking for immunisation information for yourself, your family or someone you're caring for, visit Better Health Channel. 

Immunisation information on Better Health Channel

Key messages

  • Every vaccine delivery has a TagAlert® device in each box, the TagAlert® electronically records the vaccine temperature during transport.
  • All deliveries must be accepted and signed for by the immunisation provider.
  • The TagAlert® must be stopped by the immunisation provider.
  • If the TagAlert® has alarmed, the immunisation provider must complete the a TagAlert breach report form and submit it to

TagAlert® device

Every vaccine delivery has a TagAlert® indicator in each box.

TagAlert device

The TagAlert® electronically records the vaccine temperature during transport. It has four temperature and time-out-of-range alarm limits. An alarm is triggered if a heat or freeze breach occurs during transport from the warehouse to the immunisation provider.

TagAlert® – receiver tutorial

A short video tutorial, TagAlert® - Receiver TutorialExternal Link , has recently been released by Sensitech to demonstrate receiving a delivery containing a TagAlert® device. This two-minute tutorial will assist providers in receiving vaccine deliveries and steps to take if a breach has been identified during transit.

Stopping and reading your TagAlert® and reporting a TagAlert® breach flyer

Download a copy of the Stopping and reading your TagAlert® and reporting a TagAlert® breach flyer. This flyer contains detailed instructions for providers to stop, read and report TagAlert® breaches to Onelink.

Receiving, stopping, and reading your TagAlert®

Vaccines must be received by practice staff who are educated in cold chain management. Vaccine must be refrigerated within the 15 minutes following receipt of delivery.

To access the Department of Health’s Cold Chain Management eLearning modules, visit Cold chain management.

Follow these steps:

  1. Sign the delivery docket and return to the courier. If requested, allow the courier to photograph the TagAlert® device.
  2. Remove the TagAlert® immediately and stop the device by pressing and holding the ‘Start/Stop’ button until a black octagon appears.
    TagAlert device
  3. Read the TagAlert®. Is the arrow pointing to the Green ✓ or the Red X?
  • TagAlert device

    If the TagAlert® arrow is pointing to the Green ✓ the vaccines are safe to use. Immediately unpack the vaccine into the vaccine fridge.

    No further action required.

  • TagAlert device

    If the TagAlert® arrow is pointing to the Red X the TagAlert® has alarmed. The vaccine is not okay to use straight away, immediately unpack and isolate the vaccine in the vaccine fridge.

    Complete the TagAlert® breach report form, see below for further instructions on reporting a TagAlert® breach.

Reporting a TagAlert® breach

Before completing the TagAlert® breach report form the vaccine must be unpacked and isolated in the vaccine fridge.

Ensure the TagAlert® has been stopped and photograph the device. To stop the device press and hold the ‘Start/Stop’ button until a black octagon appears.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the TagAlert® breach report form, your TagAlert® should have been attached to the form on delivery.
  2. After stopping the device (see above), record any numbers present on the screen under ‘Step 3’ of the report form. These numbers represent any alarm parameters that have breached during device activation. This could be any combination of the number 1, 2, 3, and/or 4, write all the numbers present on the screen.
  3. Next, retrieve a sequence of numbers from the device to allow the Department of Health to establish when, during the delivery the parameter was breached. To do this press the ‘Start/Stop’ button. Record the number that first appears next to ’Step 4 - box 1’ on the report form, record the second number/s to appear, next to ‘Step 4 - box 2’ then record the third and final number/s to appear, next to ’Step 4 - box 3‘. The screen should go blank for approximately 2 seconds in between the numbers changing.
  4. Finally, complete your details under ‘Step 5’ of the form and submit to with the photograph and a copy of the packing note (invoice).
  5. Wait for advice from the department before discarding or administering compromised vaccine.

TagAlert® hardware – accuracy and validation

TagAlert® is an accurate validation of cold chain management for the delivery of vaccines:

  • The TagAlert® is subjected to a one-point accuracy test before it is shipped to the customer.
  • The TagAlert® is validated for 12 months and has a certificate of validation.
  • Sensitech (manufacturer of TagAlert®) is a world-leading provider of cold chain solutions.

Reviewed 24 June 2024


Contact details

Opening hours:  9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Immunisation Program Department of Health

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