Department of Health

National Immunisation Program (NIP) and state-funded vaccines for eligible Victorian adults

Community immunisation information

The information on this page is aimed at immunisation providers. If you're looking for immunisation information for yourself, your family or someone you're caring for, visit Better Health Channel.

Immunisation information on Better Health Channel

Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine

A free Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine is available for the following people where clinically indicated including:

  • People of all ages with functional or anatomical asplenia including sickle cell disease and haemoglobinopathies.
  • Congenital or acquired asplenia.
  • Functional and autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.
  • Solid organ transplant recipients.

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Hepatitis B vaccine

Free Hepatitis B vaccines are available for the following people where clinically indicated:

  • All people under 20 years of age. The catch-up schedule will need to commence on or before the child’s 20th birthday and may be completed beyond this date, as required.
  • All refugees and humanitarian entrants including asylum seekers.
  • People at risk of hepatitis B infection as follows:
    • all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – hepatitis B non-immune, no restrictions
    • household contacts and sexual partners of people living with hepatitis B
    • people who inject drugs or are on opioid substitution therapy
    • people living with Hepatitis C
    • men who have sex with men
    • people living with HIV
    • people no longer in a custodial setting who commenced but did not complete a free vaccine course while in custody
    • people born in priority hepatitis B endemic countries and arrived in Australia in the last 10 years. (Priority countries include China, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Thailand, South Korea, Myanmar (Burma) Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Cambodia).

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Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

The National Immunisation ProgramExternal Link provides free HPV Gardasil®9 vaccine for:

  • Adolescents 12-13 years of age through the secondary school immunisation program
  • Adolescents who missed vaccination at school, a catch-up program is available for adults up to 25 years of age

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Influenza vaccine

Influenza vaccine is recommended annually for all adults who wish to protect themselves from influenza however the vaccine is only funded for eligible people.

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Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine

A Victorian Government funded measles-containing vaccine program is available for all adults born during or since 1966 and aged from 20 years without evidence of two documented doses of valid MMR vaccine or without serological evidence of immunity.

One or 2 free doses of MMRII® vaccine can be administered to eligible adults. If 2 MMRII® doses are required they must be given a minimum of 28 days apart.

Some adults may be non immune or only partially immune to MMR because they were not captured in the Australian Measles Control Campaign in the late 1990s and the subsequent Young Adults MMR program in 2001.

It is important to check the MMR vaccination status of adults with no documented history of 2 doses of MMR vaccine, especially women of childbearing age. Immunisation providers should upload a record of all vaccines administered to the Australian Immunisation Register.

MMR vaccine should be administered to women planning pregnancy or post-partum with low or negative rubella antibody levels.

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Meningococcal vaccine

4-in-1 meningococcal vaccines are available to protect against A, C, W and Y strains of meningococcal disease.

Meningococcal B vaccine is available to protect against the meningococcal B strain.

The National Immunisation ProgramExternal Link provides a free meningococcal ACWY vaccine for:

  • Children at 12 months of age.
  • Unimmunised people under 20 years of age who have not previously had their meningococcal C vaccine at 12 months as a free catch-up dose.
  • Secondary school students in Year 10, or age equivalent as a school-based vaccination program.
  • Young people aged 15 to 19 years of age, who have not already received the vaccine in school, will be able to be vaccinated by their immunisation provider.
  • People of all ages with functional or anatomical asplenia, including sickle cell disease or other haemoglobinopathies, and congenital or acquired asplenia.
  • People of all ages with defects in, or deficiency of, complement components, including factor H, factor D or properdin deficiency.
  • People of all ages receiving current or future treatment with eculizumab.

Immunisation against meningococcal serogroup B disease is available free under the National Immunisation Program scheduleExternal Link for risk groups, including:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants at 2 months (from 6 weeks), 4 months, 6 months (certain risk conditions) and 12 months of age and as age-appropriate catch up vaccination before they turn 2 years of age.
  • People of all ages with functional or anatomical asplenia, including sickle cell disease or other haemoglobinopathies, and congenital or acquired asplenia.
  • People of all ages with defects in, or deficiency of, complement components, including factor H, factor D or properdin deficiency.
  • People of all ages receiving current or future treatment with eculizumab.

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Pertussis vaccine

Pertussis-containing vaccines are available through the National Immunisation ProgramExternal Link for the pregnant woman in every pregnancy.

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Refer to:

Pneumococcal vaccine

Pneumococcal vaccine is provided free on the National Immunisation ProgramExternal Link (NIP) for:

  • healthy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people from 50 years of age
  • healthy non indigenous people from 70 years of age
  • people with risk conditions – refer to PneumococcalExternal Link page of The Australian Immunisation Handbook (online).

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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine is provided free on the National Immunisation ProgramExternal Link (NIP) for:

  • for pregnant women ideally between 28-36 weeks of pregnancy

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Zoster (Shingles) vaccine

Shingrix ® (shingles vaccine) is provided free on the National Immunisation Program (NIP)External Link for:

  • people 65 years of age and older
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 50 years of age or older
  • eligible people 18 years of age and older who are considered at increased risk of herpes zoster due to an underlying condition and/or immunomodulatory/immunosuppressive treatments.

More information

The Australian Immunisation Handbook (online)

National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance website

Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website

Better Health Channel website

Reviewed 29 January 2025


Contact details

Opening hours:  9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Immunisation Program Department of Health

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