Department of Health

Community immunisation information

The information on this page is aimed at immunisation providers. If you're looking for immunisation information for yourself, your family or someone you're caring for, visit Better Health Channel.

Immunisation information on Better Health Channel

Pharmacist Immunisers are registered pharmacists (and interns are provisionally-registered pharmacists) who have completed a recognised 'Immuniser program of study' or bridging training pathway, and administer immunisations to specific client groups in approved locations as part of the Victorian Pharmacist-Administered Vaccination Program.

The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 2017 (the Regulations) enable the Secretary of the Department of Health (the department) to approve a Schedule 4 poison for administration by a registered pharmacist, and to specify the conditions in which a pharmacist is authorised to administer a Schedule 4 poison.

The Regulations also authorise pharmacists to administer a Schedule 3 poison to a person under their case if a therapeutic need exists.

Intern pharmacists are recognised in the Victorian drugs and poisons legislation as a registered pharmacist while they complete their period of supervised practice (internship).

The Regulations are available from the Victorian Legislation websiteExternal Link .

The Secretary Approvals define the conditions that apply to pharmacist immunisers and intern pharmacist immunisers when administering approved immunisations.

The amended Secretary Approval: Pharmacist Immuniser was published in the Victorian Government Gazette S 535 Thursday 3 October 2024 pp. 9–14External Link . Typographical error correction published in Gazette S 539 Friday 4 October 2024External Link .

The Secretary Approval for Intern Pharmacist Immunisers was published in the Victorian Government Gazette S 535 Thursday 3 October 2024 pp. 15-20External Link .

The conditions of the Secretary Approvals and related requirements for pharmacists and intern pharmacists (together immunisers) are also described in the Victorian Pharmacist-Administered Vaccination Program Guidelines. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Immunisers are required to complete a recognised 'Immuniser program of study' or bridging training pathway, to hold a current first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation certificate, and to ensure that at least one other suitably qualified staff member is on-site when immunisation services are delivered in pharmacy settings.
  • Immunisers are expected to comply with current editions of the Australian Immunisation Handbook, the National Vaccine Storage Guidelines: Strive for 5, the Victorian Pharmacy Authority's Guidelines, and the Victorian Pharmacist-Administered Vaccination Program Guidelines.
  • Pharmacies are required to nominate a responsible pharmacist and register with the Department of Health before they begin providing immunisations. Registration will require completion of an application form for a government-funded vaccine account. For more information, see the ordering vaccine page.
  • Immunisers must successfully complete any mandated training modules for immunisations that are not included in a recognised ‘Immuniser program of study’, prior to administering these immunisations to approved client groups.
  • Immunisers should see the Japanese encephalitis, mpox (monkeypox) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunisation pages for product information, eligibility criteria and any training requirements that may be applicable.
  • Immunisers administering COVID-19 vaccines should refer to the COVID-19 vaccine page for any additional requirements (training or otherwise).

Intern pharmacist immunisers are required to be supervised by an experienced pharmacist immuniser. The minimum supervision requirements when undertaking immunisation activities are specified in the Secretary Approval: Intern Pharmacist Immunisers.

For additional training requirements, see the Victorian Immunisation Learning HubExternal Link and the relevant Secretary Approval.

Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot

The Department of Health commenced a 12-month statewide pilot in October 2023 to test an expanded role for community pharmacists. The pilot was due to end in October 2024, however, services offered through the pilot have been extended to 30 June 2025 while an evaluation is completed.

Participating and appropriately trained registered community pharmacists (excluding intern pharmacists) are able to provide:

  • treatment for women (18 – 65 years) with uncomplicated urinary tract infections
  • resupply without prescription of select oral contraceptive pills to women (16 – 50 years)
  • treatment of mild skin conditions – shingles and psoriasis (from early 2024)
  • administer additional vaccines and provide travel health advice.

Pharmacist immunisers participating in the pilot's vaccination and travel health stream must complete further training and provide care according to a protocol. For more information, see Victorian Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot - resources for pharmacists.

Fees and charges by immunisers

The Australian Government implemented the National Immunisation Program Vaccinations in Pharmacy (NIPVIP) program on 1 January 2024. Community pharmacies that choose to register as a NIPVIP Service Provider will be funded to administer NIP vaccines to eligible individuals 5 years of age and older within the scope of their immunisers' authorisation, with no out of pocket cost to the individual. For more information, see the NIPVIP Pharmacy Programs AdministratorExternal Link page on the Pharmacy Programs Administrator website.

For clients eligible for state-funded (non-NIP) vaccines, pharmacies may wish to charge a service fee for administration of the vaccine. Before administering the vaccine, clients should be aware of the availability of state-funded vaccines and free vaccination services through bulk-billing general practitioners.

For those persons who are not eligible for NIP or state-funded vaccines, the pharmacist may charge for the cost of the vaccine, plus an administration fee. Further detail is provided in the Victorian Pharmacist-Administered Vaccination Program Guidelines.

Reviewed 10 January 2025


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Immunisation Program Department of Health

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