Department of Health

Community immunisation information

The information on this page is aimed at immunisation providers. If you're looking for immunisation information for yourself, your family or someone you're caring for, visit Better Health Channel. 

Immunisation information on Better Health Channel

This information below is for staff of early childhood education and care services. It contains guidance and resources to assist you in meeting your obligations under 'No Jab, No Play' legislation.

Referring parents for health advice

Online immunisation resources for parents/carers

These websites are most suitable for parents/carers enrolling children in early childhood education and care who wish to learn more about immunisation and enrolment requirements.

Refer parents/carers who are wanting to know more about immunisation to the following reputable websites with content developed by clinicians with immunisation expertise:

Services for parents/carers with questions about immunisation

Refer parents/carers who wish to speak with a health professional regarding immunisation to their usual immunisation provider. This may be a local council immunisation service or their regular GP. This option is most suited to parents/carers having difficulties in obtaining immunisations or an immunisation history statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) or who have expressed concern regarding vaccination:

  • either at the point of enrolment; or
  • during the 16-week 'support period' (also known as the 'grace period'); or
  • when seeking to provide an immunisation history statement while their child is enrolled at your service.

If the family does not have a GP or know which council they belong to, refer them to the following:

Services for parents/carers with significant vaccine hesitancy/refusal or complex issues

Refer parents/carers who cannot provide an immunisation history statement because they refuse to vaccinate their children or require highly specialised assistance with the process of vaccination or to specialist expert support for complex issues relating to vaccination to the following services. This may be most appropriate in the case where the 16-week 'support period' (also known as the 'grace period') has expired, and the parent/carer has not provided an acceptable immunisation history statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), or the parent/carer has expressed significant concern or is experiencing issues relating to vaccination, for example, internal family conflict in relation to vaccinating a child.

  • The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne Immunisation Clinic on 1300 882 924, option 2.
  • Monash Immunisation, Monash Medical Centre on 1300 882 924, option 4. Telehealth is available with these services.

Services for parents/carers concerned about adverse reactions following immunisation

Refer parents/carers of children who have had an adverse reaction following vaccination to SAEFVIC (Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunisation), who can facilitate individualised clinical assistance for patients and families.

Specialist support services for families experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage

Support for vulnerable children

Child and family information, referral, and support teams (Child FIRST) provide support and assistance to vulnerable children, young people, and their families with concerns about the child's wellbeing or young person. Child FIRST provides a central referral point to various community-based family services and other supports within each Child FIRST catchment area. Child FIRST ensures that vulnerable children, young people, and their families are linked to relevant services. It is an effective way to connect children, young people, and their families to the services they need.

Visit the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Services websiteExternal Link for more information and contact details.

Refugees and asylum seekers

The Refugee Health Program operates in community health centres with high numbers of newly arrived refugees and/or asylum seekers. The program is delivered by nurses, allied health professionals, interpreters, and bicultural workers. Refugee health nurses conduct initial health screening, facilitate general practice and specialist healthcare, and provide case management, education, and nursing care. They also refer clients to other support services, such as housing and employment services.

Find Refugee Health Program locationsExternal Link .

Asylum seekers can access special arrangements to use Victorian public health and community services. These arrangements include free access to public hospitals, ambulance services in emergencies, community health services, dental services and catch-up immunisations, and priority access to community health services. More information is available at Refugee and asylum seeker health and wellbeing.

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASCR), with locations in Footscray and Dandenong, supports people applying for a protection visa in Australia. The ASRC provides the following services: food, healthcare, legal aid, employment support, English tuition, access to study and training, counselling and access to sport and recreation. More information and service locations are on the ASRC websiteExternal Link .

Cabrini Asylum Seeker and Refugee Health Hub

The Asylum Seeker and Refugee Health Hub at Cabrini Health provide access to various health services for asylum seekers and newly arrived refugees, including immunisation.

Address: 503 Sydney Road, Brunswick, 3056
Phone: 03 8388 7874
Web: Cabrini Asylum Seeker and Refugee Health HubExternal Link

Aboriginal people

Support for Aboriginal children in kindergarten

Koorie engagement support officers support Aboriginal families to access services and support to ensure the best start in life for Aboriginal children, from birth to school completion. They provide advice and practical support to services that offer funded kindergarten programs.

They build the capacity of these services, deliver programs that are respectful of the cultural beliefs and practices of Aboriginal children by:

  • increasing and enhancing the Aboriginal children's participation in kindergarten
  • promoting the values of kindergarten programs within Aboriginal families and communities
  • promoting cultural awareness and providing access to relevant resources for the delivery of all kindergarten programs.

See the Department of Education and Training's Aboriginal support pagesExternal Link for contact details of regional Koorie education support officers.

Aboriginal community-controlled health organisations

Contact information for ACCHOs is available on the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health OrganisationExternal Link website.

Family violence state-wide support services

A wide range of family violence support services is listed on this web page that you may wish to refer families to if appropriate.

Government contacts

Victorian Government

Department of Education and Training
Quality Assessment and Regulation Division
Phone: 1300 307 415
Web: Early childhood regulation and quality assessmentExternal Link

Department of Health
Immunisation Program

Commonwealth Government

Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)
Phone: 1800 653 809 Monday to Friday from 8am - 5pm
Web: Australian Immunisation RegisterExternal Link

Medicare service centres
Web: Services AustraliaExternal Link
A translating and interpreting service is available by calling 131 450, Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4:45pm.

National Immunisation Program Schedule
Web: National Immunisation ProgramExternal Link

Parents/carers should visit the Better Health Channel - 'No Jab, No Play'External Link .
Immunisation Providers should access the 'No Jab, No Play' fact sheet for immunisation providers.

Reviewed 03 December 2024


Contact Us

Opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Immunisation Program Department of Health

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