Department of Health

What the Royal Commission said

The Royal Commission recommends that the Victorian Government:

  1. expand and reform the community perinatal mental health teams in each Adult and Older Adult Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service across Victoria to adapt and deliver the core functions as set out in Recommendation 5, including by providing consultation to primary and secondary care and related services for prospective and new parents, including maternal and child health nurses.
  2. review approaches to perinatal mental health screening.

What are we doing?

In response to Recommendation 18.1, perinatal mental health and wellbeing programs and services to support mothers and families have been expanded over the past three years.

New investment has included an expansion and staffing uplift for the Perinatal Emotional Health Program and additional support for programs delivered by Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia.

In response to Recommendation 18.2, the Department of Health commissioned a review of the evidence to improve perinatal mental health screening practices.

The review has now been completed and makes 10 recommendations. These recommendations are aligned with the following themes:

  • strengthening perinatal mental health screening practice
  • building workforce capability and confidence across our services
  • improving experiences and continuity of care for people.

An external Expert Advisory Group will be established to help develop new Victorian perinatal mental health screening guidelines.

View our Review of perinatal mental health screening approaches page for a summary report of the findings, including recommendations.

Reviewed 09 October 2024

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