Department of Health

What the Royal Commission said

The Royal Commission recommends that the Victorian Government:

  1. review, reform and implement new models of multidisciplinary care for bed-based services for young people that are delivered in a range of settings, including in young people's homes and in fit-for-purpose community and hospital environments.
  2. deliver a broad range of bed-based services, including as a matter of immediate priority:
    a. ensuring every region has a Youth Prevention and Recovery Centre for young people aged 16 to 25, supported through a common and consistent model of care;
    b. creating a new stream of inpatient beds across Victoria for young people aged 18 to 25 by reconfiguring existing inpatient beds for adults and using an allocation of the 100 new beds referred to in Recommendation 11(3); and
    c. ensuring Hospital in the Home services are available for young people as an alternative to acute hospital-based treatment, care and support where appropriate.
  3. formally review the Youth Residential Rehabilitation Program, in consultation with young people, as well as families, carers and supporters.

What are we doing?

Work is underway to redesign bed-based services for young people as part of the Royal Commission’s recommendations to ensure all Victorians have access to treatment, care and support when and where they need it.

Youth Prevention and Recovery Care (YPARC)

YPARC services provide short-term recovery-focused treatment, care and support in a residential setting for young people aged 16-25 experiencing mental health challenges.

YPARCs offer a ‘step up’ from community care or ‘step down’ from hospital. They are staffed 24 hours, with support offered in a welcoming, home-like setting.

The Department of Health released a statewide service framework for YPARC services in 2023. The framework was co-designed with young people and their families, carers and supporters to ensure consistency in high-quality care across the state.

Each YPARC is required to develop and refine their own local model of care in line with the statewide service framework.

The 2021-22 State Budget invested $141 million to build five new 10-bed units in Geelong, Traralgon, Ballarat, Shepparton and Heidelberg. The funding also allows for the refurbishment of three existing YPARC units in Frankston, Dandenong and Bendigo. All sites should be completed by 2025.

A new stream of youth inpatient beds

We are planning for a new stream of beds for young people aged 18-25. We will work in partnership with young people, their families, carers and supporters to design a new statewide service framework for inpatient care for young people. The framework will support the delivery of consistent and developmentally appropriate treatment, care and support for young people with acute mental health needs in inpatient settings.

Hospital in the Home (HiTH)

The Victorian Government has invested in the continued delivery of Hospital in the Home (HiTH) beds delivered by Orygen for young Victorians in north-west metropolitan Melbourne.

These beds will provide more young Victorians with access to specialist mental health care in their own home with their support networks around them.

Youth Residential Rehabilitation Program (YRR)

A formal review of the Youth Residential Rehabilitation program was completed in January 2023. Review findings will inform the design of the future community bed-based system for young people.

Reviewed 11 December 2024


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