Department of Health

What the Royal Commission said

The Royal Commission called on the Victorian Government to expand the range of supports for young carers and children and young people with a family member or parent experiencing mental illness or psychological distress.

This included funding a non-government organisation such as the Satellite Foundation to co-design and expand the range of supports across Victoria.

The Royal Commission said the Victorian Government should broaden the scope and reach of the Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness program, including by:

  • enabling each Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service to employ new workers to support young carers in their local environment; and
  • increasing the funding available to young carers to help with practical needs (brokerage).

The Royal Commission also called on the Victorian Government to strengthen identification and referral pathways for young carers through the mental health and education systems.

What are we doing?

Funding has been provided to the Satellite Foundation to expand the range of programs and supports offered to young people with caring responsibilities.

Satellite Foundation offers tailored information, support, and peer connection for young people through online and face-to-face programs. These include art and music workshops, respite activities and camps.

Satellite Foundation has delivered pilot programs in several Victorian schools to raise awareness of young people with caring and support responsibilities. The programs encourage conversations about mental illness, substance use and addiction and the impacts on the mental health of young carers and families.

The Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness (FaPMI) program has been broadened within Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Services. This includes the establishment of new community workers for children and young people (CYP) and increased funding to the FaPMI brokerage program.

These initiatives enable a broader range programs and supports for young people with caring responsibilities, including to address financial barriers.

The Department of Health commissioned The Bouverie Centre and Satellite Foundation to research the gaps and opportunities within the education and mental health and AOD systems to strengthen identification and referral pathways for young carers.

Read the Young People with Caring Responsibilities: Time for Action report on the Satellite Foundation website.External Link

Reviewed 09 December 2024


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