Department of Health

What the Royal Commission said

The Royal Commission recommended a range of new consumer-led ‘safe spaces' for people in distress or crisis.

People can stay safe and access support at these safe spaces. These new services will be developed in partnership with non-government organisations, where appropriate.

The new agency led by people with lived experience of mental illness or psychological distress will collaborate in this work.

The Victorian Government will work with its partners to establish:

  • one drop-in or crisis respite facility for adults and older Victorians per region, and
  • four safe spaces across the state. These will be a mix of drop-in spaces and crisis response services, co-designed with and for young people.

This recommendation includes the establishment of a crisis stabilisation facility. This will be developed in consultation with people with lived experience. It will be led by a public health service or public hospital in partnership with a non-government organisation that delivers wellbeing supports.


The Victorian Government has committed to implementing all recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. Rebuilding Victoria’s mental health system is a 10-year reform plan, with implementation being done in a staged and sequential way.

The 2021-22 Victorian State Budget invested $3.8 billion in mental health and wellbeing services and responding to the Royal Commission’s recommendations.

All work is focused on ensuring Victorians get the mental health treatment, care, and support they deserve.

Implementation of this recommendation will commence in future years, consistent with the Royal Commission's timelines.

Reviewed 09 December 2024


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