Department of Health

Recommendation 28

Developing system-wide roles for the full and effective participation of people with lived experience of mental illness or psychological distress

What the Royal Commission said

People with a lived experience of mental illness and psychological distress, as well as their carers, families and supporters, will be at the centre of Victoria's new mental health and wellbeing system.

Embedding lived experience in the leadership, design and delivery of reforms will ensure that implementation reflects what consumers and carers want and need, and benefits from their valuable experiences and perspectives.

The Royal Commission called on the Victorian Government to develop key roles across the mental health and wellbeing system for people with lived experience of mental illness or psychological distress.

The Mental Health and Wellbeing CommissionExternal Link plays an important role to::

  • elevate the leadership and support the full and effective participation of people with lived experience in decision-making about policies and programs, including those directly affecting them;
  • develop and support the leadership capabilities of people with lived experience through learning and development opportunities;
  • design and deliver initiatives to prevent and address stigma towards people living with mental illness or psychological distress; and
  • design and deliver initiatives to develop awareness and understanding of the experiences and perspectives of people with lived experience of mental illness or psychological distress.

What are we doing?

We are establishing key roles across the mental health and wellbeing system for people with lived experience of mental illness or psychological distress.

We have:

  • established the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission with two lived experience Commissioners
  • established the Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, with one co-CEO with lived experience
  • established Interim Regional Bodies with lived experience leadership
  • created key senior executive roles for people with lived experience, and the Lived Experience Branch in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Division of the Department of Health
  • established the Lived Experience Strategic Partnership group to provide lived experience expertise within reform
  • created designated roles for people with lived experience to advise and lead in the design and implementation of the reform agenda
  • progressed embedding lived experience in the leadership, design and delivery of Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Services.

Work is underway on an inaugural Lived and Living Experience Leadership Strategy. Read more about the strategy.

Reviewed 09 December 2024


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Mental Health and Wellbeing Reform

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