Key messages
- Downloads of all documents, signage and public information relating to tobacco controls and legislation.
- Use the order form if you would like multiple printed copies.
Order printed resources
'No Smoking or Vaping' signage
Under the Tobacco Act , it is prohibited to vape (use an e-cigarette) in a smoke-free area. ‘No Smoking or Vaping’ signage is now available.
The Act currently only requires ‘No Smoking’ signage, so the use of ‘No Smoking or Vaping’ signage is voluntary.
For all venues and smoke-free settings, PDF copies of the 'No Smoking or Vaping' signage is available to print and display.
No smoking or vaping signage
No smoking or vaping on this premises and within 4 metres signage (primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, childcare centres, and preschools)
No smoking or vaping within 10 metres of playground equipment signage
No smoking within 10 metres of skate park signage
No smoking or vaping within 10 metres of sporting venue during underage sporting event signage
No smoking or vaping within 4 metres of building entrance signage (Parliament, the Victorian courts and buildings occupied by Victorian Government departments, administrative offices, and special bodies)
No smoking or vaping in outdoor dining area signage
No smoking or vaping within 10 metres of food stall or food vendor signage
Guides, factsheets and signage
Factsheets and guidelines (including translations resources)
Smoke-free outdoor dining factsheets for business, events, food fairs and community
Smoking restrictions in outdoor drinking areas: factsheet for businesses and events
Smoking restrictions in outdoor drinking areas: a guide for businesses and event organisers
Sign: No smoking in outdoor dining area (A3)Sign: No smoking in outdoor dining area (A4)Sticker: No smoking in outdoor dining area (A5)Tent fold table card: No smoking in outdoor dining area (A7)Sign: No smoking within 10 metres of a food stall or food vendor (A3)Sign: No smoking within 10 metres of a food stall or food vendor (XL)Sign: No smoking at food fair (XL)Poster: Smoking is off the menuBrochure: Smoking is off the menuPalm card: Smoking is off the menu -
Factsheets (including translated resources)
Shisha tobacco reform and harms factsheets - for business and community
No Smoking or vaping A4 poster -
Children’s indoor play centres
Sign - No smoking or vaping on this premises and within 4 metres of entranceBan on smoking and vaping at indoor children's play centres - factsheet for visitorsBan on smoking and vaping at indoor children's play centres - factsheet for occupiersPublic hospitals and community health centres
Sign - No smoking or vapingSign - No smoking or vaping on this premises and within 4 metres of entranceBan on smoking and vaping at public hospitals and registered community health centres - factsheet for visitorsBan on smoking and vaping at public hospitals and registered community health centres factsheet - for occupiersPoster - We care about your health. Please don't smoke hereVictorian Government buildings
Sign - No smoking or vaping on this premises and within 4 metres of entrancePoster - Smoke-free building entrance. Please don't smoke hereBan on smoking and vaping at certain Victorian Government buildings - factsheet for visitorsBan on smoking and vaping at certain Victorian Government buildings - factsheet for occupiers -
Ban on smoking and vaping at childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools and schools - factsheet for visitorsBan on smoking and vaping at childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools and schools - factsheet for occupiersSignage and posters
Sign - No smoking on this premises and within 4 metres of entranceSign - No smoking or vaping on this premises and within 4 metres of entranceExternal resources
Factsheets and brochures
Smoke-free patrolled beaches factsheet -
Smoke-free underage music/dance events guide -
Guidelines for retailers including premises with vending machines
We sell tobacco here signSticker: We sell E-cigarette products here (A4)We don't sell tobacco to U/18sSmoking causes cancer of the stomach, bladder, lung, mouth, kidney, cervix and pancreas signNo proof of age no cigarettes sign -
Ban on smoking in motor vehicles if a person under the age of 18 is presentMinisterial orders - Victorian Government Gazette
Reviewed 02 July 2024