Department of Health

Key messages

  • Ambulance Victoria is responsible for deciding how best to transport a patient.
  • Ambulance fees will increase 2.75% from 1 July 2024, in line with CPI.

Ambulance Victoria is responsible for deciding which ambulance resource is best suited to transport a patient.

Consideration is given to the patient's acuity and the urgency of the situation, the location and availability of Ambulance Victoria's resources at the time of the request for transport, and the most efficient use of those resources.

Ambulance Victoria fee schedule 2024-25

Ambulance fees will increase 2.75% from the previous year from 1 July 2024.

All fees are GST exclusive. Where GST does apply (primarily to public hospitals) Ambulance Victoria will include the GST amount when invoicing.

Road transport fees

Metropolitan Emergency Road$1,396
Regional and Rural Emergency Road$2,059

StretcherClinic car*
Metropolitan Non-Emergency Road$377$124
Regional and Rural Non-Emergency Road$637N/A

Cases with a final priority of 5 or greater are charged at non-emergency rates. The allocation of these priorities is performed during (and by) the call taking processes when contacting Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA). These priorities are allocated in accordance with the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Act 2003 and the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Regulations 2016.

* The clinic car service is only available in Metropolitan Melbourne and selected regional and rural locations.

Metropolitan, regional and rural$602

Air transport

Air transport fees are not affected by whether a transport is emergency or non-emergency. The type of transport - rotary (helicopter) or fixed wing (aeroplane) - determines the fee.

Air transport feesAll users*
Fixed wing
Variable charge$2,475
Fixed charge$3,347
Variable charge**$12,449
Fixed charge$29,635

*Excludes Victoria Police, Australian Search and Rescue, interstate public and private hospitals and interstate ambulance services. These agencies are advised to contact Ambulance Victoria for the applicable fee structure.

** General patients will continue to pay the variable component only for rotary transport.

Note: Air transport fees do not include any road transport associated with the air transport. Road transports are billed separately.

Interstate transport

For all interstate transports, these fees do not apply. Please contact Air Ambulance Victoria who will provide a quote for undertaking any interstate ambulance transport.

Reviewed 02 January 2025


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