Department of Health

Health Technology program

Providing policy guidance and recommendations on health technology in Victoria's public healthcare system

The Health Technology program provides policy guidance and makes recommendations regarding health technology in Victoria's public healthcare system.

Components and roles

The Health Technology program has four components, each with a specific role and function:

  • Victorian Health Technology program - a statewide program that reviews new and emerging health technologies. It also makes recommendations about the implementation (or otherwise) of these technologies in the public hospital system to inform policy and investment decisions.
  • Victorian Health Technology program advisory group - an independent expert advisory committee that provides advice and recommendations to the department about health technologies.
  • Highly Specialised Therapies program - a national program that supports access to high-cost and highly specialised therapies delivered in selected public hospitals.
  • Nationally Funded Centres program - a national program that supports national access to certain high-cost, low-volume procedures.


For the purpose of this program, a ‘health technology’ is defined as a:

Reviewed 21 August 2023


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