Department of Health

Key messages

  • The PAV program and service guidelines should be used by managers and assessors of authorised assessment agencies
  • There is an on-line self paced training tool for assessors
  • PAV applicants must be assessed as eligible by either:
    • HACC PYP Assessment Services,
    • Community Health Services,
    • Aged Care Assessment Services,
    • Regional Assessment Services,
    • nominated District Nursing Services,
    • public-funded Community Rehabilitation Centres or Multi-purpose services.
  • Applicants can contact the PAV service provider directly to find out which local agency undertakes PAV assessments or be referred by a doctor, or a community or health service, to an assessment service.
  • Applicants can refer themselves for assessment directly to one of the authorised assessment services.
  • Applicants must need the mandatory daily monitoring provided, and meet the eligibility criteria in the PAV assessment record, as well as technical requirements.
  • The Better Health Channel and Seniors Online provides information for potential users.

Guidelines for assessment agencies

PAV program service guidelines

The PAV program and service guidelines explain the service and the assessment policies, processes and tools. They have been developed for managers and staff of assessment agencies, the PAV service provider, PAV response service providers, policy makers, and department staff.

Assessors should refer to the PAV Assessment Guidelines at Appendix 2 for considerations about each eligibility criteria, technical information and nominated contact information.

There is an online self-paced training tool for assessorsExternal Link . The online training will complement induction for new assessors as well as assist experienced staff who are looking to refresh their knowledge about PAV assessment.

PAV Response Service guidelines

Personal Alert Victoria (PAV) clients without suitable family or friends to act as nominated contacts can register with a PAV Response Service

The PAV Response Service guidelines explain the eligibility, assessment and registration requirements. The guidelines also explain the procedures and processes for implementing the PAV Response Service. They should be read in conjunction with the PAV program and service guidelines.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must meet all three of the following mandatory criteria. They must:

  • need and agree to daily monitoring
  • be capable of using, and willing to wear, the PAV pendant at all times
  • live alone, or be alone for most of the day or evening, or live with a person who cannot get to the phone in an emergency or who is unable to use the phone.

And meet at least two of the following:

  • have fallen at least once and needed medical attention in the past six months
  • suffer from a major medical condition or chronic condition that puts them at risk of medical emergencies or has some ongoing effect on health or wellbeing
  • take six or more different medications permanently prescribed by a medical practitioner or doctor.

The PAV assessment record lists the major medical conditions and chronic conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, neurological condition and physical disability.

Technical requirements

Applicants must also meet the technical requirements for PAV, and they are responsible for organising and paying for the technical requirements.

If the applicant cannot meet the technical requirements, they are removed from the waiting list.

If applicants meet the technical requirements after they are removed from the waiting list (within 12 months of their original application), they can contact the PAV provider directly and be placed at the top of the waiting list.

Alternatives to PAV

There are alternatives to PAV for Victorians who are not eligible for PAV or do not want PAV.

Staying safe and independent

Slips, trips and falls can happen to anyone, but they are more common as we get older. If you have, slipped, tripped or fallen more than once in the past six months, it is more likely to happen again.

Preventing slips, trips and falls is one of the most important things you can do to stay independent as you get older.

The Staying safe and independent booklet can help you, or someone you care for, to prevent, slips, trips and falls. It also shows you how to get up from the floor by yourself if you do fall, and how to safely help someone else to get up.

Remember: always press your alarm button for help if you slip, trip or fall.

Reviewed 03 May 2024


Contact details

Wellbeing and Community Support team

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