Nutrition and quality food standards in public health services are a key component of quality care. Access to nutritious foods is essential for optional patient/resident treatment and recovery, supports healthy ageing, and health and wellbeing, and prevents malnutrition.
The Nutrition and food quality standards for Victorian hospitals and aged care (Adult Standards) and Nutrition and quality food standards for paediatric patients in Victorian hospitals (Paediatric Standards) were developed following a comprehensive Review in 2019 - 20 of the nutritional value, quality and origin of food served in Victorian public hospitals and aged care services. The Adult Standards update and replace the 2009 Nutrition standards for menu items in Victorian hospitals and residential aged care facilities. The Paediatric Standards are new, and the first of their kind in Victoria.
These Standards include a greater focus on: the needs of aged care residents and paediatric patients, cultural diversity, variety, modern diets, continuous quality improvement processes, alignment with the Australian Dietary Guidelines and consumer consultation and feedback. Implementing these nutrition and quality food standards will support health services in meeting the relevant National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards and Aged Care Quality Standards (ACQS) accreditation requirements relating to nutritional care, menu planning and consumer partnership/choice.
Acknowledging the priority of COVID-19 recovery, health services and central production kitchens will be given more than 12 months (until end 2023) to implement these new food standards.
The new Nutrition and food quality standards will be included in the upcoming 2022-23 Statement of Priorities for Victorian public health services.
The Standards can be downloaded in full, or key sections and useful tools from the documents can be downloaded separately.
Adult Standards (for hospitals patients and PSRACS residents)
Paediatric Standards
Reviewed 05 September 2022