Department of Health

General information about radiation management licences

Key messages

  • The department issues a management licence to a person or a company authorising them to conduct a radiation practice.
  • A management licence is required before conducting any radiation practice.
  • To apply for a management licence you need to complete and submit an online application form.
  • For specific types of practices supporting documents must be submitted with the application for a management licence.
  • There are prescribed fees for licences.

Purpose of a management licence

The VictorianRadiation Act 2005 requires that a person hold a management licence before they conduct a radiation practice. A management licence authorises a legal entity or an individual to conduct a radiation practice.

In practice this means that any person, business or organisation that intends to conduct a radiation practice (such as possessing X-ray units or possessing, transporting, or disposing of radioactive materials) must hold a management licence before they conduct the practice. In practice this means that, for example, a company cannot take possession of an X-ray unit or radioactive material until they hold a management licence authorising that practice.

The licence will identify and describe the detailed radiation practice that is authorised. For example, it will list the sites at which the practice can be conducted and it will list the types and details of radiation sources that can be possessed at those sites.

The licence will limit how that practice can be conducted.

The licence will always be issued subject to certain conditions.

It is mandatory to hold a radiation management licence prior to conducting a radiation practice. Failure to hold the required management licence is an offence under the Radiation Act 2005.

What is a radiation practice?

A radiation practice is any activity that involves but is not limited to:

  • possession or disposal of a radiation source
  • transport of radioactive material
  • sale of radiation sources
  • repairing, testing or maintain radiation sources
  • mining or processing radioactive material
  • procuring or arranging research involving the irradiation of persons.


The department's Secretary has exempted persons from licensing requirements in certain circumstances.

Declaration that certain material and apparatuses are not radiation sources

Exemptions from management licensing requirements

Exemption - Iroquois (Huey) Helicopter

Exemption from the requirement to hold a management licence - Bore LY4733

Exemption for Martine Inspection Service Pty LtdExternal Link

Supporting documents

Applicants must submit supporting documents with their application, where required.

Supporting documents are required when submitted applications for the following specific types of practices:

  • medical practices
  • dental practices
  • sale of radiation
  • transport of radioactive material
  • industrial practices
  • veterinary practices
  • education and research practices.

Radiation Management Plans

From 6 September 2021 a Radiation Management Plan (RMP) must be submitted when applying for the following:

  • New radiation management licence
  • Variation to an existing radiation management licence
  • Transfer of an existing radiation management licence to another legal entity.

The purpose of an RMP is to inform anyone working with or around radiation sources of the procedures that must be followed to ensure those sources are used in a safe and secure way that minimises harm to people and the environment.

Please read the Radiation Management Plans page for details on the minimum requirements for RMPs.

Licence duration

Management licences are issued for one, two or three years. The applicant can choose which licence period they wish to apply for.

Assessment of applications and timeframe

Applications are entered onto the department's licensing system and then allocated to an officer in the department's Radiation Team for assessment.

The application is assessed on its merits against an assessment criteria. The assessment criteria can vary significantly depending on the nature of the proposal. In some cases, this assessment will also involve an inspection by one of the department's authorised officers to verify aspects of the application.

A request for payment of a prescribed fee will then be emailed to you once your application has been assessed as meeting the required standards.

The prescribed fees for management licences consist of:

  1. one-off application fee (for new applications)
  2. licence fee (fees vary depending on the scope and duration of the licence).

Management licence fees vary depending on the duration of the licence, with a discount for longer licence periods.

There are no refunds once a licence is issued, so you may wish to consider whether a 1-, 2- or 3-year licence meets your needs.

You must pay this prescribed fee before the final approval to issue the licence is granted. If the application is approved, you will be emailed a copy of your licence certificate.

If the application is rejected, a letter will be sent within 14 days of the decision giving a statement of reasons for refusing to issue the licence and advice on how you may seek review of the Secretary's decision.

Licence fees

There are prescribed fees for licences, consisting of an application fee and licence fee.

There are no fees associated with applying for a variation to an existing licence or approval.

There are no fees associated with applying to transfer an existing management licence.

Fees are automatically scheduled to increase on 1 July each year in line with the Monetary Units Act 2004.

See List of the prescribed fees for radiation licences.

Apply for a new management licence

To apply for a new management licence you need to complete and submit an online application formExternal Link and attach the supporting documents relevant to your specific type of practice.

Renewal of an existing licence

Two months prior to the expiry of your licence you will be emailed a request for payment of the prescribed licence fee for the renewal of your licence.

Make a payment

Variations to existing licence

From time to time, a management licence holder may wish to make changes to their licence to vary the scope such as:

  • add / remove a practice
  • increase / decrease the number of authorisation for a practice
  • the type of radiation source/s they own
  • how they wish to use the source/s

For example, a radiology practice may wish to:

  • expand by setting up a radiology practice with X-ray units at a new location
  • acquire a different type of radiation source (e.g. a CT scanner) at an existing authorised location
  • acquire an additional X-ray unit of the same type as they already are authorised to possess at an existing authorised location
  • move from their current authorised location to another location.

In these cases, the management licence holder must apply to the department for a variation to the management licence.

The licence must be varied by the department before the proposed changes to the radiation practice takes effect.

There are no fees associated with applying for a variation to an existing licence or approvalExternal Link .

Surrender of a licence

If you no longer require a management licence you may wish to surrender that licence.

If you have any questions, email the Registration and Licensing team.

Sale of a practice

It is important that you contact us before you sell your practice so we can assist you with amending your management licence.

If you have any questions, email the Registration and Licensing team.

What does a management licence certificate look like?

A management licence consist of some or all of the following as appropriate:

  • Page 1: Cover sheet, which lists the name of the licence holder, the licence number and the expiry date of the licence.
  • Schedule 1: The general conditions and practice specific conditions.
  • Schedule 2: Radiation practices involving possession of ionising radiation apparatus that are prescribed radiation sources.
  • Schedule 3: Radiation practices involving possession of ionising radiation apparatus that are not prescribed radiation sources.
  • Schedule 4: Radiation practices involving sealed-source apparatus.
  • Schedule 5: Radiation practices involving sealed sources.
  • Schedule 6: Radiation practices involving unsealed radioactive material.
  • Schedule 7: Radiation practices involving possession of non-ionising radiation apparatus.
  • Schedule 8: Radiation practices not involving possession of radiation sources.
  • Schedule 9: Definitions.
  • Schedule 10: Offences.

The management licence for a particular radiation practice is unlikely to have all of these schedules but, as a minimum, it will consist of at least one schedule. Very large complex practices may involve most, if not all, of the above schedules.

Conditions are applied to each specific radiation practice. Typically, many of these conditions require compliance with the relevant code of practice.


The department will refund the licence fee for an application that is refused or withdrawn prior to the licence being issued. Application fees will not be refunded by the department and there are no refunds once a licence is issued. Detailed information can be found in the fee refund policy.

Fee refund policy - Radiation Act 2005

Online application for a refund of a radiation licensing feeExternal Link

Do I need a use licence?

If you intend to use a radiation source then you must apply for a use licence in addition to a management licence. You cannot use the radiation source until you have been issued with a use licence.

A use licence is issued under the Radiation Act 2005 allowing an individual to use a specific type of radiation source for a specific purpose. The use of a radiation source without the required use licence is an offence under the Act.

What is the difference between a management licence and use licence?

For example a dental practice requires a management licence to possess several dental X-ray units. Every individual at that practice who wishes to use those X-ray units needs to hold a use licence authorising that use.

To apply for a use licence please visit the Use licence section.

Privacy of information

Under the Privacy Act 1988, we are unable to disclose information about a person's licence to anyone other than the licence holder.

Visit the public use licence registerExternal Link to confirm if a person holds a radiation use licence.

Reviewed 27 December 2024


Contact details

Radiation Safety Department of Health GPO Box 4057, Melbourne, VIC 3000

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