Department of Health

Consumer outcomes in mental health services

Find out how Victoria leads in monitoring mental health outcomes to enhance consumer care and service quality.

Measuring the health outcomes of consumers in mental health services is critical to ensure that every consumer continually benefits from the treatment and care they receive.

Victoria has been a leader in the adoption and adaptation of world-leading consumer outcome measures that enable clinicians to monitor the progress of individual consumers, to engage consumers and carers in treatment decisions, and to ensure the continuing improvement of overall service quality.

Under the National Mental Health Plan, all clinical mental health services in Victoria must routinely submit consumer outcome ratings through a national collection protocol known as the National Outcomes and Casemix CollectionExternal Link (NOCC). The NOCC provides a coherent picture of mental health outcomes in each state and territory, which can be used to measure clinical effectiveness across different service sectors and age cohorts.

Note that consumer outcomes are distinct from the outcomes in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes and Performance Framework, which tracks the outcomes of the mental health and wellbeing system as a whole. Consumer outcomes are an important contributor to the Outcomes Framework, as they provide invaluable insight into the effectiveness of mental health and wellbeing services.

Reviewed 19 July 2024


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