Department of Health

Aboriginal workforce strategy 2021 - 2026

This strategy incorporates the Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs commitments and policies to ensure we listen, learn, and enable true self-determination for Aboriginal people as a fundamental requirement of how our department delivers for communities.

The Aboriginal workforce strategy 2021-2026 was created in partnership with our colleagues at the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. The purpose of the strategy is to provide a framework for both departments to achieve our vision:

  • To become an employer of choice for Aboriginal people by creating a culturally safe employee experience, where individuals are valued for their cultural knowledge and lived experience.

This will be achieved through:

  • Effective recruitment processes
  • Culturally safe and supportive workplace cultures
  • Opportunities for professional development and mentoring
  • Demonstrated respect for the skills, expertise, and perspectives of Aboriginal employees.

The five-year strategy was developed with empowered Aboriginal voice at its core, gathered through extensive consultation with Aboriginal employees and non-Aboriginal employees, including the Wirrigirri Reconciliation program.

Dedicated implementation plans will accompany the strategy. These plans are designed to ensure we can regularly adapt our implementation actions. We will continue to engage Traditional Owners, Aboriginal employees, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, and the tertiary education sector to align the implementation of our strategy to the needs of all Aboriginal people living in Victoria.

Reviewed 28 April 2023


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International, interstate and mobile callers: +61 3 9096 9000

Diversity team Department of Health

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