Key messages
- Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes (vaping) is banned within the grounds of, and within 4 metres of an entrance to childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools, and primary and secondary schools.
- The ban aims to protect children and young people from second-hand smoke, the aerosol from e-cigarettes (vapes) and from the negative influences of people smoking and vaping.
- Principals, managers, and other occupiers are required to display an acceptable ‘No smoking’ sign at an entrance.
Under the Tobacco Act smoking and vaping is banned:
- within the grounds of all Victorian childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools, and primary and secondary schools.
- within four metres of any public entrance to a Victorian childcare centre, kindergarten, preschool, and primary and secondary school.
‘No smoking or vaping’ signage
Principals, managers, and other occupiers are required to display an acceptable ‘No smoking' sign at an entrance.
'No smoking or vaping’ signs are also available.
Please note, the Tobacco Act currently only requires ‘No smoking’ signage, so use of the ‘No smoking or vaping’ signage is voluntary. Both signs can be downloaded below, or hard copies can be ordered free of charge, via the Resources and factsheets - tobacco reform page.
Signage for occupiers:
Sign - No smoking on this premises and within 4 metres of entrance
Sign - No smoking or vaping on this premises and within 4 metres of entrance
Resources for Principals, managers and other occupiers
Factsheet for occupiers:
Ban on smoking and vaping at childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools and schools - factsheet for occupiers
For more information and resources visit the Department of website.
Factsheet for visitors:
Ban on smoking and vaping at childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools and schools - factsheet for visitors
Smoking and vaping is banned:
- within the grounds of all childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools, and primary and secondary schools in Victoria
- within four metres of an entrance to all childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools, and primary and secondary schools.
Childcare centres, kindergartens and preschools broadly refer to all children’s service premises within the meaning of the Children’s Services Act , and all education and care service premises within the meaning of the Education and Care Services National Law Act , with the exception of family day care service premises.
The following diagrams show examples of where the smoking and vaping ban applies at a childcare centre and at a school.
No smoking or vaping areas at a childcare centre:
No smoking or vaping areas at a school:
Childcare centres, kindergartens and preschools
The smoking and vaping ban applies to childcare centres, kindergartens, and preschools only while they are being used to provide a children’s service or an education and care service.
The smoking and vaping ban applies at primary and secondary schools, at all times, no matter whether the building or school grounds are being used for education purposes or for other purposes. The ban therefore applies when other activities are taking place outside school hours, such as fetes or sporting events, as well as during school hours.
A pedestrian access point refers to a door or gate by which a person can enter or exit the premises. It does not include emergency exits that are locked to entry but does include shared doors or gates.
For example, where a building is occupied by a childcare centre as well as other organisations, such as private businesses, any shared entrances that are used to access both areas of the building will be subject to the smoking and vaping ban.
Any entrances that lead only to premises not included in the smoking and vaping ban, such as private offices, will not be subject to the smoking and vaping ban.
The smoking and vaping ban does not apply:
- to private homes that provide family day care services
- to an emergency exit that is locked to entry
- to a person walking through the smoke-and-vape-free area
- to a person in a motor vehicle who is driving or being driven through the smoke-and-vape-free area
- to a person in an area that is separated from the smoke-and-vape-free area by a road
- to a person in an outdoor drinking area located within the smoke-and-vape-free area
- to a person at a residential premises (in privately owned homes or land).
Occupiers of childcare centres, kindergartens and schools are required to display signs at the entrances.
No. Principals, staff, managers, and other occupiers are not expected to enforce the ban and are not empowered to do so.
There is strong community support for banning smoking and vaping in public places regularly attended by children. This means that most people will voluntarily comply with the smoking and vaping ban and expect others to do so.
Inspectors authorised under the Tobacco Act may provide information about, and when necessary enforce, the ban. The first priority of an inspector is to make sure smokers and e-cigarette users understand the ban.
Inspectors have been given the power to enter childcare, kindergarten, preschool, and school premises to monitor and enforce the ban. However, this is subject to permission from the occupier (for example, school principal) and, if permission is provided, the inspector must be accompanied by the occupier or a person acting on their behalf. It is anticipated that the focus for inspectors will be on those smoking and vaping within four metres of school entrances, and that the power to enter school premises will be used sparingly.
Principals, staff, managers, and other occupiers can help by ensuring signage is displayed.
The value of a penalty unit is indexed annually. The current value of a penalty unit is listed on the Department of Treasury and Finance Indexation of fees and penalty page.
Occupiers are required by law to install acceptable ‘No smoking’ signs at entrances (pedestrian access points) to their premises. ‘No smoking or vaping’ signs are also available. Please note, the Tobacco Act 1987 currently only requires ‘No smoking’ signage, so use of the ‘No smoking or vaping’ signage is voluntary. Signs can be ordered free of charge through the online order form on the Resources and factsheets page, and electronic versions can also be downloaded from this page.
Promotional materials
Posters and factsheets are also available to help inform staff, visitors, and the general public about the smoking and vaping ban within learning environments. These can be downloaded or ordered free of charge through the online order form on the Resources and factsheets page.
Under the Tobacco Act an occupier in relation to an area or premises, means:
- a person who appears to be of or over the age of 16 years and who is or appears to be in control of the area or premises, whether or not the person is present in the area or on the premises; or
- a body corporate that is or appears to be in control of the area or premises.
Sign - No smoking on this premises and within 4 metres of entrance
Sign - No smoking or vaping on this premises and within 4 metres of entrance
Ban on smoking and vaping at childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools and schools - factsheet for occupiers
Ban on smoking and vaping at childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools and schools - factsheet for visitors
Reviewed 13 February 2024